Subdomain Policies and Inheritance

Table of Contents

When implementing DMARC, you're not limited to protecting your main domain. You can also extend your DMARC policies to your subdomains, ensuring email security across your entire digital landscape. Subdomains, like or, can be vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attempts, just like your main domain. Applying DMARC to these subdomains is essential to safeguard your brand reputation and protect your users.

Understanding DMARC Inheritance

DMARC policies can be applied to individual subdomains or inherited from the parent domain. Inheritance allows you to streamline DMARC management, particularly when dealing with numerous subdomains. If you've already implemented DMARC for your main domain, you can leverage the existing policy as a foundation for your subdomains.

For example, if your main domain has a DMARC policy set to p=quarantine, all subdomains will inherit this policy by default, unless a specific policy is defined for them. This means any email originating from your subdomains, but not aligned with the SPF and DKIM records, will be quarantined by receiving mail servers.

Strategies for Effective Subdomain Policy Management

1. Identify Your Subdomains: The first step is to gain a complete understanding of your subdomain structure. Use tools like DNS records checkers or domain management platforms to identify all active subdomains associated with your domain. This comprehensive list is critical for applying DMARC policies effectively.

2. Evaluate Subdomain Usage: Once you have a clear picture of your subdomains, evaluate their usage and purpose. Some subdomains might be actively used for specific services or campaigns, while others might be inactive or used for internal purposes. This assessment will help you prioritize subdomains when implementing DMARC policies.

3. Tailor Subdomain Policies: While inheriting policies from the main domain can be convenient, it's essential to tailor policies for subdomains based on their unique characteristics and usage. For example, a subdomain dedicated to email marketing might require a different policy than a subdomain hosting a blog. You can use different DMARC policy options like p=reject or p=none depending on the subdomain's role and risk tolerance.

4. Monitor and Adjust Policies: After implementing DMARC for your subdomains, continuous monitoring is crucial. Regularly review DMARC reports to track alignment with SPF and DKIM, identify potential issues, and adjust policies as needed. This ongoing process ensures your subdomain DMARC policies remain effective in protecting your brand and your users.

Example Subdomain DMARC Policy:

[INSERT_IMAGE - A screenshot of a DMARC record with subdomain settings]

Wildcard Records for Subdomains: Simplifying Policy Management

In the world of DMARC, subdomains often present a unique set of challenges for email authentication and security. While you can apply DMARC policies to individual subdomains, this can become cumbersome if you have a large number of subdomains. This is where wildcard records come into play, offering a streamlined approach to managing DMARC policies for subdomains.

Understanding Wildcard Records

Wildcard records are a powerful tool in DNS that allows you to create a single record that applies to multiple subdomains. In the context of DMARC, this means that you can define a single policy that applies to all subdomains under a specific domain. For example, you could use a wildcard record to apply a p=reject policy to all subdomains under, ensuring that all email sent from those subdomains must pass both SPF and DKIM checks before being accepted by recipient email servers.

Benefits of Using Wildcard Records

There are several key benefits to using wildcard records for your DMARC policies:

  • Simplified Management: Instead of managing individual policies for each subdomain, you can configure a single policy that applies to all subdomains under your domain. This greatly reduces the administrative burden and risk of errors.
  • Consistency: Wildcard records ensure that all your subdomains are subject to the same DMARC policies, ensuring consistency in email authentication and security across your entire domain.
  • Enhanced Security: By implementing a p=reject policy for all subdomains through a wildcard record, you can effectively mitigate the risk of spoofed emails from your subdomains.

Considerations for Wildcard Records

While wildcard records offer significant advantages for managing DMARC policies, it's important to consider a few factors before implementing them:

  • Subdomain Usage: It's crucial to carefully evaluate the usage of your subdomains before applying a wildcard policy. If you have subdomains that are used by third-party services or applications that send emails, applying a restrictive policy through a wildcard record could inadvertently impact their email delivery.
  • Policy Alignment: It's important to ensure that your wildcard DMARC policy aligns with the SPF and DKIM policies for your subdomains. If your SPF or DKIM records are not correctly configured, your DMARC policy will not be enforced effectively.

Implementing Wildcard Records

Implementing wildcard records for your DMARC policies involves modifying your DNS records. The exact process may vary slightly depending on your DNS provider, but the general steps are as follows:

  1. Determine Your Subdomain Structure: Identify the subdomains you want to include in your wildcard record.
  2. Create a Wildcard DMARC Record: Create a new DMARC record using a wildcard character (typically an asterisk *) to represent all subdomains. For example, a wildcard record for all subdomains under would be:
  3. Set Your Policy: Define your desired policy settings in the DMARC record. For example, to enforce a p=reject policy for all subdomains, you would set the p tag to reject.

Monitoring and Fine-Tuning

After implementing wildcard DMARC records, it's essential to monitor their impact on your email delivery. You can use DMARC reports to track email authentication failures and identify any issues that might be occurring. Based on the data in your DMARC reports, you can adjust your wildcard DMARC policy as needed.

Moving Forward: Subdomain Policies and Inheritance

Understanding how DMARC policies are applied to subdomains and how inheritance can simplify management is a crucial next step in your DMARC journey. Subdomain policies and inheritance provides insights into strategies for effective subdomain policy management. This includes identifying subdomains, evaluating their usage, tailoring policies based on their characteristics, and continuous monitoring. By understanding these concepts, you can effectively manage DMARC policies for your entire domain, ensuring secure and reliable email delivery for all your subdomains.

Challenges and Best Practices for Subdomain DMARC

While DMARC for your primary domain is crucial, effectively managing DMARC for subdomains presents a unique set of challenges and best practices. Subdomains can significantly expand your email infrastructure, encompassing various functionalities like marketing campaigns, web applications, or internal communication systems. Applying DMARC to subdomains is essential to safeguard your brand reputation and protect your users from phishing attacks, but it requires careful consideration and strategic implementation.

Understanding the Challenges

Subdomains introduce complexity to DMARC management due to their diverse nature and potential for varying email sending practices. Here's a breakdown of the key challenges:

  1. Identifying and Characterizing Subdomains: The first step is to identify all subdomains within your organization. This involves a thorough inventory of all subdomains, including their usage, purpose, and email sending activities. This process helps understand the email sending patterns of each subdomain, allowing you to tailor DMARC policies accordingly.

  2. Diverse Email Sending Practices: Subdomains often have different email sending needs. For instance, a marketing subdomain might send high-volume transactional emails, while a web application subdomain might send occasional notification emails. This diversity necessitates tailored DMARC policies that align with the specific requirements of each subdomain, ensuring effective email delivery and minimal impact on legitimate email flow.

  3. Policy Alignment with SPF and DKIM: DMARC relies on the alignment with SPF and DKIM, two other email authentication protocols. Implementing DMARC for subdomains requires careful consideration of SPF and DKIM configurations to ensure seamless integration and avoid potential conflicts. It's crucial to assess existing SPF and DKIM records for each subdomain, and make necessary adjustments to align with DMARC policies.

  4. Monitoring and Reporting: Once you implement DMARC for subdomains, it's vital to continuously monitor its effectiveness. DMARC reporting provides valuable insights into the performance of your policies, helping you identify any issues and make necessary adjustments. This ongoing monitoring ensures that DMARC remains effective in protecting your organization from spoofed emails and phishing attacks.

Best Practices for Effective Subdomain DMARC

Managing DMARC for subdomains effectively requires a strategic approach. Here are some best practices to ensure successful implementation:

  1. Comprehensive Subdomain Inventory: Start by identifying all active and inactive subdomains. This comprehensive list will provide a clear understanding of your email infrastructure and help you prioritize DMARC implementation based on subdomain usage and risk.

  2. Subdomain-Specific DMARC Policies: Tailoring DMARC policies to each subdomain's unique needs is crucial. Consider factors like email sending volume, purpose, and potential risk. For instance, a high-volume marketing subdomain might require a more stringent DMARC policy, while a low-volume application subdomain might be able to utilize a less restrictive policy.

  3. Align with SPF and DKIM: Before implementing DMARC for subdomains, ensure alignment with existing SPF and DKIM configurations. Verify that your SPF and DKIM records are accurately configured and consistent with your desired DMARC policies. This alignment ensures seamless email authentication and minimizes the risk of rejection by receiving email servers.

  4. Monitor and Analyze Reports: Regularly analyze DMARC reports to understand the effectiveness of your subdomain policies. This data can identify any issues, such as misconfigurations, email delivery problems, or potential phishing attempts. Utilize this information to refine your DMARC policies and ensure ongoing email security.

  5. Consider Wildcard Records: Wildcard records can simplify DMARC management for multiple subdomains. By using a single wildcard record, you can apply a consistent DMARC policy to all subdomains under a specific domain. However, it's crucial to carefully assess the potential impact on legitimate email flow and ensure alignment with SPF and DKIM policies. Wildcard records can be a powerful tool, but it's vital to use them strategically.

  6. Prioritize High-Risk Subdomains: Focus on implementing DMARC for subdomains with higher risks, such as those used for sensitive transactions, customer support, or marketing campaigns. Prioritizing high-risk subdomains can quickly bolster your organization's overall email security posture.


Managing DMARC for subdomains is essential for safeguarding your brand reputation and protecting your users from email-based threats. By following these best practices, you can effectively implement DMARC for subdomains, ensuring consistent email authentication and mitigating the risk of spoofed emails. Remember to monitor your DMARC reports regularly, and adjust your policies as needed to adapt to changing email security landscapes.

Next Steps

Ready to enhance your organization's email security? Explore our resources on DMARC Reporting and Analysis, DMARC for Email Marketing, and BIMI and DMARC: Enhancing Brand Trust to unlock the full potential of DMARC for your business.

[INSERT_IMAGE - A bar chart showing the percentage of emails that fail DMARC checks by subdomain type]

Let's secure your email channels and build a stronger online presence. Contact us today to discuss your DMARC needs and explore our comprehensive email security solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DMARC inheritance, and how does it affect subdomains?

DMARC inheritance means that a subdomain automatically inherits the DMARC policy set for its parent domain. So, if your main domain has a policy set to quarantine, all subdomains will inherit this setting unless they have a specific policy defined.

How can I identify and prioritize my subdomains for DMARC implementation?

Use DNS records checkers or domain management platforms to identify all active subdomains. Then, evaluate their usage and purpose. Prioritize implementing DMARC for subdomains actively used for services or campaigns.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using wildcard records for subdomain DMARC policies?

Wildcard records simplify management by applying a single policy to all subdomains under a specific domain, ensuring consistency. However, carefully evaluate subdomain usage to avoid impacting third-party services that send emails.

What are the key challenges in managing DMARC for subdomains?

Subdomains can have diverse email sending practices, requiring tailored policies. Ensuring alignment with SPF and DKIM configurations is crucial. Continuous monitoring and reporting are essential to track effectiveness and identify issues.

How can I ensure successful implementation of DMARC for subdomains?

Create a comprehensive inventory of subdomains. Tailor policies to each subdomain's needs, ensuring alignment with SPF and DKIM. Monitor and analyze reports regularly. Consider wildcard records strategically, and prioritize high-risk subdomains.

What resources are available to help me learn more about DMARC for subdomains?

Explore resources on DMARC reporting and analysis, DMARC for email marketing, and BIMI and DMARC to enhance your understanding of DMARC for subdomains and implement it effectively.