DMARC Report Formats: XML and JSON

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DMARC reports are crucial for understanding your email authentication performance and identifying any potential issues that might impact email deliverability. These reports are generated by receiving mail servers and provide valuable insights into how your emails are being authenticated and treated.

DMARC reports come in two primary formats:

  • XML (Extensible Markup Language): This format is the original and widely supported format for DMARC reports. It uses a hierarchical structure with tags and attributes to represent the data. XML reports are more verbose and can be challenging to parse manually.
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): This format is more modern and offers a simpler, more human-readable representation of DMARC report data. JSON reports use key-value pairs and nested objects to organize information. This makes them easier to analyze and integrate with data processing tools.

[INSERT_IMAGE - A comparison of the DMARC report formats (XML and JSON) highlighting the key differences]

Understanding DMARC Report Elements

Both XML and JSON DMARC reports include similar data elements, providing information about the following:

  • Report Metadata: This section contains details about the report itself, including the reporting domain, the reporting period, and the report's creation date.
  • Policy: This section summarizes the sender's DMARC policy, including the enforcement mode (none, quarantine, reject), the alignment policy (strict, relaxed, or loose), and the DMARC record's rua and ruf values.
  • Records: This is the heart of the DMARC report, containing individual records for each email that has been authenticated. Each record provides details like:
    • The sender's email address
    • The email's domain
    • Authentication results (SPF and DKIM)
    • The receiving mail server's policy applied to the message
    • The reason for any rejection or quarantine

Analyzing DMARC Reports

Once you have DMARC reports in either format, you can start analyzing them to glean insights into your email authentication performance. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Authentication Pass Rate: Monitor the percentage of emails that pass both SPF and DKIM authentication. Aim for a high pass rate to improve email deliverability.
  • Alignment Issues: Identify any inconsistencies between your DMARC policy and the sender's SPF and DKIM settings. These misalignments can lead to false positives or incorrect actions taken by receiving servers.
  • Rejection Reasons: Analyze the reasons why emails are being rejected or quarantined. Common causes include SPF or DKIM failures, mismatched domains, or invalid sender addresses.
  • Trends and Patterns: Look for any trends or patterns in your DMARC reports over time. This can help you identify emerging authentication challenges or areas for improvement.

Leveraging DMARC Reports for Better Email Deliverability

DMARC reports provide invaluable data for optimizing your email authentication strategy. By carefully analyzing these reports, you can take steps to:

  • Improve Email Deliverability: By addressing authentication issues and ensuring alignment between your DMARC policy and SPF/DKIM records, you can significantly improve your email deliverability rates.
  • Enhance Brand Reputation: A robust DMARC implementation protects your brand from spoofing and phishing attacks, enhancing your reputation in the eyes of email service providers and recipients.
  • Identify Spoofing Attempts: DMARC reports can help you detect and prevent email spoofing attempts, safeguarding your brand and protecting your customers from phishing attacks.

Understanding DMARC Aggregator Services

Analyzing raw DMARC reports can be a complex and time-consuming process. To simplify this process, you can leverage DMARC aggregator services. These services collect, analyze, and present DMARC reports in a user-friendly dashboard, making it easy to monitor your email authentication performance and take corrective actions.

Aggregator services offer a range of features, including:

  • Report Consolidation: They collect DMARC reports from multiple receiving servers, providing a comprehensive view of your email authentication performance.
  • Automated Analysis: They analyze the reports and generate actionable insights, highlighting potential issues and areas for improvement.
  • Alerting and Notifications: They provide alerts when there are significant changes in your DMARC reports, allowing you to take immediate action to address any problems.
  • Reporting and Visualization: They offer interactive dashboards and reports that provide a visual representation of your DMARC data, making it easier to understand and interpret.

Some popular DMARC aggregator services include:

  • This free service provides basic DMARC report aggregation and analysis.
  • Google Postmaster Tools: This free service from Google offers detailed reports and insights into email deliverability and authentication.
  • Agari: This paid service provides advanced DMARC reporting and analysis, along with other email security tools.
  • Return Path: This paid service offers a comprehensive suite of email security and deliverability solutions, including DMARC reporting and analysis.

By using a DMARC aggregator service, you can streamline your DMARC management process, making it easier to monitor your email authentication performance, identify potential problems, and take corrective actions to improve email deliverability and brand reputation.

Understanding DMARC report formats is crucial for effectively analyzing your email authentication performance. Now that you have a strong foundation in DMARC reports, it's time to dive into the different types of DMARC reports and their specific purposes. In the next section, we will explore the various types of DMARC reports available, including .

Analyzing DMARC Reports for Insights

DMARC reports are the key to understanding your email authentication performance and identifying potential issues that could be impacting your email deliverability. Analyzing these reports provides valuable insights into how your emails are being received and authenticated by different mail servers. By digging into the data, you can identify trends, troubleshoot problems, and make informed decisions to optimize your email authentication strategy.

Understanding DMARC Report Structure

DMARC reports are structured in either XML or JSON format, with JSON being the more modern and user-friendly option. These reports contain a wealth of information about your email authentication performance, including:

  • Authentication Pass Rates: The percentage of emails that pass SPF and DKIM checks. A high pass rate is crucial for good email deliverability.
  • Alignment Issues: Mismatches between your SPF and DKIM records, which can lead to authentication failures. Identifying and resolving these issues is essential.
  • Rejection Reasons: The reasons why emails were rejected by mail servers, providing valuable insights into potential issues with your email infrastructure.
  • Trends in Email Authentication: Analyzing historical data can help you identify patterns in your email authentication performance and predict future trends.

Deciphering DMARC Report Data

DMARC reports can seem complex at first, but understanding the key metrics and data points can help you make sense of them. Here's a breakdown of some of the most important data points:

  • p=none: This policy setting means you're only monitoring authentication results, without taking any action. You'll receive reports but no emails will be rejected.
  • p=quarantine: This policy setting instructs receiving mail servers to quarantine emails that fail authentication checks. This helps to protect your domain from spoofing.
  • p=reject: This policy setting instructs receiving mail servers to reject emails that fail authentication checks. This is the most aggressive policy setting and can significantly improve email deliverability.
  • sp=none: This policy setting means that you're not requesting any specific actions for spoofed emails, meaning you won't receive any reports about spoofing attempts.
  • sp=quarantine: This policy setting instructs receiving mail servers to quarantine emails that are suspected of being spoofed. This can help to protect your domain from reputation damage.
  • sp=reject: This policy setting instructs receiving mail servers to reject emails that are suspected of being spoofed. This is the most aggressive policy setting for spoofed emails and can help to prevent phishing attacks.

Leveraging DMARC Report Data for Optimization

DMARC reports can be used to make a wide range of improvements to your email authentication strategy. Here are some key strategies:

  • Identify and Resolve Alignment Issues: Analyzing DMARC reports can help you quickly identify alignment issues between your SPF and DKIM records. By fixing these issues, you can improve your authentication pass rates and prevent emails from being rejected.
  • Optimize Your SPF and DKIM Records: DMARC reports can also highlight potential issues with your SPF and DKIM records, such as typos, missing entries, or incorrect configurations. By reviewing these records and making necessary adjustments, you can improve the overall accuracy and effectiveness of your email authentication setup.
  • Track Your Email Deliverability: DMARC reports provide valuable data on your email deliverability, including pass rates, rejection rates, and quarantine rates. By tracking these metrics over time, you can identify any potential trends in email deliverability and make adjustments to your email sending practices accordingly.
  • Identify and Block Spoofed Emails: DMARC reports can help you identify and block spoofed emails that are attempting to impersonate your domain. By analyzing the data, you can identify patterns in spoofing attempts and take steps to prevent future attacks.
  • Improve Your Email Reputation: By implementing a robust DMARC policy and actively monitoring your reports, you can improve your email reputation and build trust with your recipients. A good reputation helps to improve email deliverability, increase engagement, and reduce the risk of being flagged as spam.

Using DMARC Aggregators for Simplified Analysis

Analyzing DMARC reports manually can be a time-consuming and complex task. DMARC aggregators simplify the process by providing automated analysis, consolidation, and reporting features. These tools gather data from multiple sources, analyze it, and present it in a user-friendly dashboard, making it easy to identify key insights and take action. Some popular DMARC aggregators include:

  • Google Postmaster Tools: A free tool provided by Google that provides a range of email authentication insights, including DMARC reports, SPF and DKIM record validation, and email deliverability information.
  • DMARC Analyzer: A comprehensive platform that offers detailed DMARC report analysis, automated reporting, and tools for optimizing email authentication.
  • MxToolbox: A popular email security and deliverability platform that provides a wide range of services, including DMARC report analysis, SPF and DKIM record validation, and email reputation monitoring.
  • Proofpoint: A leading cybersecurity and email security provider that offers a robust DMARC aggregator and reporting solution, including advanced analytics and threat intelligence.

The Importance of Consistency in DMARC Implementation

To maximize the effectiveness of DMARC, it's crucial to maintain consistency across all of your email sending infrastructure. This means ensuring that all of your email servers and sending domains have the same DMARC policy in place. Implementing a consistent DMARC policy ensures that all of your emails are authenticated in the same way, regardless of the sending server, improving overall email deliverability and protecting your domain from spoofing.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Best Practices for DMARC Reporting Analysis

As the email landscape continues to evolve, it's important to stay up-to-date with best practices for analyzing DMARC reports. Here are some key tips:

  • Regularly review your DMARC reports: Analyze your reports at least once a month to identify any changes or trends in your email authentication performance. This allows you to react quickly to any potential issues and make adjustments as needed.
  • Utilize DMARC aggregators: Use DMARC aggregators to simplify the analysis process and identify key insights. These tools can help you automate reporting, identify patterns, and take action quickly.
  • Stay informed about industry best practices: Keep up-to-date with the latest DMARC best practices and recommendations to ensure you are using the most effective strategies to optimize your email authentication.
  • Monitor changes in DMARC policy settings: Be aware of any changes to DMARC policy settings that might impact your email authentication. This can involve keeping an eye on changes to DMARC specifications and best practices, as well as any updates from major email providers.

Transitioning to the Next Section

By implementing a comprehensive DMARC strategy and leveraging the insights provided by DMARC reports, you can significantly improve your email deliverability and protect your domain from spoofing. But, understanding DMARC is just the first step towards building a robust email security strategy. The next section will delve into the crucial relationship between DMARC and BIMI, and how this combination can further enhance your email authentication and brand reputation. BIMI and DMARC: Enhancing Brand Trust will explain how BIMI leverages DMARC to enable the display of your brand's logo in email inboxes, strengthening trust and credibility amongst your recipients.

Tools for DMARC Report Visualization

DMARC reports, whether in XML or JSON format, can be quite complex and challenging to analyze manually. This is where DMARC report visualization tools come in. These tools help you understand your DMARC reports, identify authentication issues, and track your email authentication performance in a user-friendly way. They offer a variety of features designed to simplify the process of analyzing DMARC reports, making them essential for any organization serious about improving email deliverability and brand reputation.

Key Features of DMARC Report Visualization Tools

Here are some key features you should look for in DMARC report visualization tools:

  • Data Aggregation: These tools consolidate DMARC reports from multiple sources into a single, centralized dashboard. This allows you to get a comprehensive overview of your email authentication performance across your entire domain.
  • Automated Analysis: Visualization tools automate the analysis of your DMARC reports, highlighting key metrics and trends. They use algorithms to identify potential issues, generate alerts, and provide actionable insights.
  • Interactive Dashboards: These tools present your DMARC data in a visually appealing and interactive way. They use charts, graphs, and tables to make it easier to understand complex data and identify key trends.
  • Custom Reporting: Many tools offer customizable reporting features, allowing you to generate reports tailored to your specific needs. You can create reports that focus on specific metrics, timeframes, or domains.
  • Alerting and Notifications: Visualization tools often offer alerting and notification features, sending you email or SMS notifications when critical issues are identified. This helps you proactively address problems and improve your email authentication performance.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Some tools integrate with other email marketing platforms, domain management services, or analytics tools. This allows you to share your DMARC data and insights across different parts of your business.

Several popular tools can help you visualize and analyze your DMARC reports. Here are some of the most widely used:

  • Google Postmaster Tools: is a free tool provided by Google that offers a comprehensive suite of features for analyzing DMARC reports. It includes tools for identifying authentication issues, tracking email deliverability, and managing your email reputation.
  • DMARC Analyzer: DMARC Analyzer is a powerful tool that provides detailed insights into your DMARC reports. It offers automated analysis, interactive dashboards, and customizable reporting features. It also provides a free plan for basic analysis and paid plans for advanced features.
  • MxToolbox: MxToolbox is a popular email security and deliverability tool that includes DMARC report analysis capabilities. It provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing your DMARC reports, identifying authentication issues, and improving your email authentication performance. It offers a variety of paid plans to suit different needs.
  • Proofpoint: Proofpoint is a leading cybersecurity company that offers a comprehensive suite of email security solutions. Their platform includes DMARC report analysis features that help you visualize your DMARC reports, track email authentication performance, and identify potential threats. They offer a variety of paid plans for different sized organizations.
  • Return Path: Return Path is another prominent email deliverability service that offers DMARC reporting and analysis tools. Their platform helps you analyze your DMARC reports, identify authentication issues, and optimize your email authentication strategy. They offer a variety of paid plans for different needs.

Choosing the Right DMARC Visualization Tool

When choosing a DMARC report visualization tool, consider your specific needs and requirements. Factors to consider include the size of your organization, your budget, the features you need, and your level of technical expertise. Some tools are more suitable for small businesses, while others are designed for large enterprises with complex email infrastructure.

DMARC Reporting and Analysis: The Next Steps

Understanding DMARC reports is crucial for ensuring your emails are delivered to your intended recipients and that your brand reputation remains intact. Visualizing your DMARC reports allows you to quickly identify and address any authentication issues, improve your email deliverability, and protect your brand from spoofing attacks. By taking advantage of the features and tools discussed above, you can gain valuable insights into your email authentication performance and make informed decisions to optimize your email security strategy.

Now that you understand the importance of DMARC reporting and analysis, let's move on to another critical aspect of DMARC: understanding DMARC policies. DMARC policies, which specify how receiving mail servers should handle emails that fail authentication checks, play a key role in email security. Understanding DMARC Policies will help you define the appropriate level of protection for your domain and ensure your emails are delivered successfully.

Troubleshooting DMARC Authentication Problems

DMARC reporting provides valuable insights into your email authentication performance, highlighting areas that need attention and improvement. While the reports provide a wealth of information, deciphering them and identifying the root causes of authentication failures can be challenging. This section will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to effectively troubleshoot DMARC authentication issues, leading to enhanced email deliverability and a better sender reputation.

Understanding Common Authentication Errors

DMARC reports are like a diagnostic tool for your email authentication strategy. They highlight areas where your emails fail to pass authentication checks, leading to potential deliverability issues. Common error types you might encounter in your DMARC reports include:

  • SPF Mismatch: This error occurs when the sending server's IP address doesn't match the allowed senders listed in your SPF record. For example, if your SPF record specifies that only your company's primary email server is authorized to send emails, but your email marketing platform is also sending emails on your behalf, you'll likely encounter an SPF mismatch.
  • DKIM Failure: DKIM failures happen when the digital signature generated by your email server doesn't match the one included in the email header. This could occur due to incorrect configuration of your DKIM record, compromised server, or issues with your email sending process.
  • Domain Alignment Issues: Domain alignment errors occur when your SPF and DKIM records don't align correctly with your DMARC policy. For instance, if your DMARC policy is set to p=quarantine, but your SPF record doesn't explicitly permit the sending server, you'll receive a domain alignment issue in your DMARC reports.

Strategies for Effective Troubleshooting

Pinpointing the root cause of DMARC authentication failures requires a systematic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you effectively troubleshoot these issues:

  1. Review Your DMARC Policy: Start by examining your current DMARC policy. Ensure your policy aligns with your desired authentication outcome. A p=none policy simply reports on authentication results, while p=quarantine will quarantine emails that fail authentication, and p=reject will outright reject them. If your DMARC policy is too restrictive, it could be causing legitimate emails to be rejected.
  2. Analyze DMARC Reports: Carefully review your DMARC reports for patterns and trends. Look for the most frequent error types, affected domains, sending servers, and rejection reasons. This will provide valuable insights into the root causes of authentication failures. Consider using DMARC aggregator tools like to simplify the analysis process. These tools offer automated reporting, visualization, and alert features.
  3. Verify SPF Record: Double-check your SPF record to ensure it's correctly configured and includes all authorized sending servers. Use a tool like SPF Record Checker to validate your SPF record and identify potential issues. Make sure to include your email marketing platform, if you use one, in your SPF record.
  4. Inspect DKIM Record: Ensure your DKIM record is correctly set up and properly aligned with your DMARC policy. Verify the selector and public key are correct, and that the DKIM record is properly signed. Use a tool like DKIM Validator to test your DKIM record for errors.
  5. Address Alignment Issues: If your DMARC policy doesn't align with your SPF and DKIM records, correct the mismatches. Ensure your SPF record permits the sending server specified in your DKIM record. Make sure your DMARC policy reflects the desired authentication actions for your organization.
  6. Investigate Sending Servers: Examine the sending servers identified in your DMARC reports. If you notice a specific server is causing frequent authentication failures, investigate its configuration and ensure it's correctly configured to meet DMARC requirements.
  7. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor your DMARC reports to track the effectiveness of your troubleshooting efforts. If you continue to see authentication errors, adjust your SPF and DKIM records or DMARC policy accordingly.

Case Study: Identifying and Resolving a DKIM Failure

Let's explore a real-world example of troubleshooting a DMARC authentication issue. Imagine you receive a DMARC report indicating a high number of DKIM failures. The report shows that emails sent from your company's marketing platform are consistently failing the DKIM check. After further investigation, you discover that the marketing platform's DKIM record is configured with a different selector than the one used in your emails. By correcting the selector mismatch in the marketing platform's DKIM record, you resolve the authentication issue and ensure that your emails pass the DKIM check.

Best Practices for Preventing Future Issues

Implementing effective preventative measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering DMARC authentication issues in the future. Here are some key best practices to consider:

  • Consistent DMARC Implementation: Ensure a consistent DMARC policy across all your domains and sending servers. This will minimize confusion and prevent authentication conflicts.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly review your DMARC reports to identify any potential issues early. This allows you to address problems proactively, preventing minor issues from escalating into major deliverability problems.
  • DMARC Aggregator Tool Usage: Utilizing a DMARC aggregator tool is crucial for simplifying the analysis of your DMARC reports. These tools offer features like automated reporting, alerts, and visualization, making it easier to identify and resolve authentication issues.
  • Proper Email Authentication Configuration: Double-check the configuration of your SPF and DKIM records to ensure they are accurate and consistent with your DMARC policy. Use validation tools to test your records for errors.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: DMARC best practices and standards are constantly evolving. Stay informed about changes and updates to ensure your email authentication strategy is compliant and effective.


DMARC authentication is an essential component of maintaining a strong email reputation and achieving optimal deliverability. Troubleshooting authentication problems can be a complex process, but by understanding the common errors, utilizing a systematic approach, and following best practices, you can effectively identify and resolve issues. By embracing DMARC and continuously monitoring its effectiveness, you can ensure your emails reach their intended recipients, boosting your brand reputation and maximizing the impact of your email campaigns.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the two main formats for DMARC reports?

DMARC reports are available in two formats: XML and JSON. XML is the traditional format, while JSON is newer and offers a simpler structure for data representation.

What are the key elements included in both XML and JSON DMARC reports?

Both report formats contain metadata about the report itself, a summary of the sender's DMARC policy, and individual records for each authenticated email. These records provide details such as sender address, domain, authentication results, and the receiving server's policy applied.

Why is it important to analyze DMARC reports?

Analyzing DMARC reports allows you to understand how your emails are authenticated, identify issues that affect deliverability, and improve your sender reputation. Key metrics include authentication pass rates, alignment issues, rejection reasons, and trends over time.

What are some benefits of using a DMARC aggregator service?

DMARC aggregator services simplify report analysis by collecting data from multiple sources, providing a centralized dashboard, automating report analysis, and offering actionable insights. They can also generate alerts and provide visualization tools.

How do I troubleshoot DMARC authentication problems?

Troubleshooting starts with reviewing your DMARC policy, analyzing reports for common errors, verifying SPF and DKIM records, and addressing misalignments. It involves investigating sending servers, monitoring results, and implementing preventive measures.

What are some best practices for preventing DMARC authentication issues?

Maintaining consistent DMARC policies across all domains and servers, regularly monitoring reports, using DMARC aggregator tools, ensuring correct email authentication configurations, and staying updated on industry standards can minimize problems.