Introduction to BIMI

Table of Contents

In the digital age, email remains a crucial communication channel for businesses. However, with the rise of spam and phishing, email security has become increasingly critical. While DMARC DMARC helps prevent spoofed emails and protects your brand's reputation, bimi (brand indicators for message identification) takes email security to the next level by allowing you to display your brand logo in email clients, enhancing user trust and engagement.

BIMI is a relatively new initiative, but it is quickly gaining traction among email senders and email service providers (ESPs). By leveraging BIMI, you can strengthen your brand's visual identity in the inbox and create a more trustworthy experience for your recipients.

How BIMI Works

BIMI relies on a combination of DMARC and a new DNS record called the Brand Icons for Messaging Identifiers (BIMI) record. Here's how it works:

  1. Implement DMARC: Before you can use BIMI, you must first have a DMARC policy in place. This ensures that you control who is authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain.

  2. Create a BIMI record: Once DMARC is implemented, you can add a BIMI record to your DNS. This record points to the verifiable brand icon (VBI) file, which contains your logo.

  3. Verify your logo: The VBI file must be hosted on a secure server and signed with a digital certificate. This ensures that the logo is authentic and hasn't been tampered with.

  4. Email clients display your logo: Once all the requirements are met, supported email clients will display your logo next to your email messages. This helps recipients quickly identify legitimate emails from your brand and increases their trust in your communications.

Benefits of BIMI

Implementing BIMI offers a number of advantages for your business:

  • Enhanced brand visibility: A recognizable logo can stand out in the crowded inbox and make your emails more noticeable.
  • Increased trust and credibility: Displaying a verified brand logo builds confidence in recipients, as they can be sure that the email is authentic.
  • Improved engagement: Emails with logos tend to have higher open rates and click-through rates, leading to greater engagement with your content.
  • Reduced phishing and spoofing: By verifying the logo, BIMI helps reduce the risk of phishing attacks and spoofed emails.
  • Positive brand reputation: BIMI can help improve your overall brand perception, as it demonstrates your commitment to email security and user experience.

How to Implement BIMI

Implementing BIMI is a relatively straightforward process, but it requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps involved:

  1. Choose a logo: Select a logo that is recognizable and aligns with your brand identity.

  2. Create a VBI file: You can use a specialized tool or service to create a VBI file that complies with the BIMI standards. The VBI file should contain your logo and other relevant information, such as the brand name and the BIMI record.

  3. Host the VBI file: Host the VBI file on a secure server, such as Amazon S3 or Cloudflare.

  4. Add a BIMI record: Add a BIMI record to your DNS, pointing to the location of your VBI file. You can do this through your domain registrar or DNS provider.

  5. Verify your logo: Submit your logo to the website for verification. Once verified, you can expect to see your logo displayed in supported email clients within a few weeks.

Conclusion: Building Trust and Engagement

BIMI is a powerful tool for enhancing brand trust and engagement in email communications. By verifying your brand identity and displaying your logo in email clients, BIMI helps you stand out in the inbox, build stronger relationships with your customers, and reduce the risk of email spoofing. As you move forward with implementing DMARC and BIMI, it is crucial to ensure that your email practices align with best practices to further enhance email security and improve your overall email program. The next section will dive into the key factors to consider when implementing DMARC for subdomains.

BIMI Requirements and Setup

Now that you understand the benefits of BIMI and how it works alongside DMARC, let’s dive into the specifics of implementing it.

Prerequisites for BIMI Implementation

Before you can start setting up BIMI, you need to meet a few essential prerequisites. These ensure your BIMI implementation is secure and effective:

  1. A Valid DMARC Record: BIMI requires a DMARC policy to be enforced. Learn more about DMARC. A strong DMARC policy helps prevent spoofing and phishing attacks. This policy should include at least a p=quarantine or p=reject policy, ensuring that emails that fail your SPF and DKIM checks are filtered by email providers.
  2. A Verified Logo: You need a high-resolution, square-shaped logo in SVG format. This logo should be verified by to ensure its authenticity and integrity. The verification process involves submitting your logo and associated metadata for approval.
  3. A Secure Server: To host your VBI file, you need a secure server with a valid SSL certificate. The VBI file contains information about your verified logo, including its location, size, and format.
  4. DNS Configuration: You'll need to create a BIMI record in your DNS zone. This record points to the location of your VBI file, allowing email clients to retrieve and display your logo.

Step-by-Step BIMI Setup

  1. Create a VBI File: The VBI file is a JSON file that contains the following information about your logo:
    • Logo URL: The URL of the SVG file on your secure server.
    • Logo Size: The dimensions of your logo in pixels.
    • Logo Format: The format of your logo, which should be SVG.
    • Logo Metadata: Any additional information about your logo, such as its name, description, or copyright details.
  2. Host the VBI File: Upload your VBI file to a secure server with an SSL certificate. Ensure the server is accessible to email clients.
  3. Configure the BIMI Record: Create a BIMI record in your DNS zone. The record type is TXT, and it should point to the location of your VBI file. The format for the BIMI record is: v=BIMI1; l=

Once you have set up your BIMI record, you can start seeing your logo displayed in email clients that support BIMI. You can also use tools like's validator to check if your BIMI implementation is correct.

The Importance of BIMI in Email Security

BIMI plays a crucial role in bolstering email security. By displaying a verified logo, BIMI helps users identify legitimate emails from their trusted senders, reducing the risk of phishing attacks. The visual cue provided by the logo acts as a secondary layer of authentication, making it easier for users to distinguish genuine messages from fraudulent ones.

This is particularly relevant in today's landscape where email security threats are increasingly sophisticated. As more email clients implement BIMI support, it becomes even more effective in combating these threats.

BIMI and DMARC Work Together

BIMI relies on DMARC for its effectiveness. DMARC enforces policies that help prevent email spoofing, ensuring that only authorized senders can use your domain to send emails. BIMI builds upon this foundation, adding a visual element that further enhances brand trust and email security.

Implementing BIMI alongside a robust DMARC policy is a strong defense against email fraud, helping you protect your brand reputation and your customers from malicious attacks.


BIMI is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance email security and brand recognition. By implementing BIMI and following the best practices outlined in this section, you can create a more secure and trusted email experience for your customers.

DMARC Reporting and Analysis

Now that you understand BIMI and its relationship with DMARC, let’s discuss the importance of reporting and analysis in DMARC.

Benefits of Using BIMI with DMARC

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) and DMARC work together to create a powerful defense against email fraud and enhance your brand's reputation in the inbox. By displaying your logo in email clients, BIMI helps you stand out from the competition and build trust with your recipients. This section explores the key benefits of using BIMI with DMARC.

Enhanced Brand Recognition and Trust

One of the most significant benefits of BIMI is its ability to boost brand recognition and trust. When your logo appears alongside your email, recipients are more likely to recognize and trust your brand. This is especially important in today's digital landscape, where consumers are bombarded with countless messages from various senders. By using BIMI, you can help your emails stand out from the crowd and increase the likelihood that they will be opened and read.

Reduced Phishing and Spoofing

BIMI, along with DMARC, plays a crucial role in combating phishing and spoofing attacks. Phishing attacks often rely on imitating legitimate brands to trick recipients into sharing sensitive information. By verifying your logo through BIMI, you make it significantly harder for attackers to impersonate your brand. Email clients display a warning icon when an email's logo doesn't match the sender's DMARC policy, alerting users to potential threats.

Improved Email Engagement and Click-Through Rates

Studies have shown that emails with logos are more likely to be opened and clicked on. This is because logos act as visual cues that help recipients quickly identify and trust the sender. When recipients recognize your brand logo, they are more likely to engage with your emails and click on your calls to action. This translates to higher email engagement rates and improved conversion rates.

Enhanced Email Deliverability

BIMI can also contribute to improved email deliverability. As email providers become more sophisticated in their spam filtering techniques, they are increasingly relying on signals such as DMARC and BIMI to identify legitimate senders. By implementing BIMI and DMARC, you can demonstrate to email providers that you are a trustworthy sender, which can help to ensure that your emails reach your intended recipients.

Case Studies and Statistics

Numerous studies and case studies have demonstrated the positive impact of BIMI on brand trust, engagement, and email deliverability. For example, a study by Return Path found that emails with logos had a 20% higher open rate and a 15% higher click-through rate than emails without logos. Another study by Valimail found that BIMI adoption was associated with a 10% increase in email deliverability.

BIMI and Email Marketing

BIMI is particularly beneficial for email marketing campaigns. By displaying your logo in email clients, you can strengthen your brand presence, build trust with your audience, and drive more engagement with your marketing emails. DMARC for Email Marketing provides additional information on how to effectively implement DMARC for your email marketing campaigns.

Next Steps: Implementing BIMI

Now that you understand the benefits of BIMI, it's time to consider implementing it for your organization. Introduction to BIMI provides a detailed overview of the BIMI implementation process, including steps for creating a VBI file, hosting it on a secure server, and configuring a BIMI record in your DNS. It also discusses the importance of verifying your logo with The next section will discuss the various requirements and setup steps involved in implementing BIMI.

BIMI Requirements and Setup

BIMI and Email Client Support

While BIMI itself isn't a direct part of DMARC, its effectiveness is heavily reliant on email client support. Not all email clients currently support BIMI, and the level of support varies. This means that even if you've implemented BIMI correctly, your logo might not show up for all your recipients.

Here's a breakdown of major email clients and their BIMI support:

| Email Client | BIMI Support | Notes | |---|---|---| | Gmail | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Yahoo Mail | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Apple Mail | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Thunderbird | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Opera Mail | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Mozilla Firefox | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Samsung Email | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Microsoft Outlook (Desktop) | Yes | Full support for BIMI logos. | | Other Clients | Variable | Support for BIMI might vary depending on the client and its version. |

[INSERT_IMAGE - A table showing the email client logos and BIMI support status]

Email Client Adoption:

While the adoption of BIMI is growing, it's crucial to understand that not all users rely on the email clients that support BIMI. This means you might not see immediate results from implementing BIMI. However, the growing adoption rate of BIMI-compatible email clients is a positive sign for the future of this technology.

Importance of Continued Monitoring:

It's important to monitor BIMI support across different email clients and update your knowledge as new clients add support or change their implementation. This ensures you stay informed about the reach and effectiveness of your BIMI strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • BIMI's success depends on email client support, but adoption is increasing.
  • Not all email clients currently support BIMI, so your logo might not display for all recipients.
  • Monitor email client support for BIMI and adapt your strategy accordingly.


BIMI, in conjunction with DMARC, significantly enhances brand trust and security in email communications. By displaying your logo in email clients, BIMI increases brand recognition, combats phishing, and improves email engagement. While BIMI's effectiveness is dependent on email client support, its growing adoption rate suggests a promising future for this technology. Implementing BIMI, alongside a robust DMARC policy, strengthens your brand presence in the inbox, fostering trust and driving better results for your email campaigns.

Next Steps:

To further enhance your understanding of DMARC and explore advanced techniques like BIMI, consider checking out our other resources:

Ready to take your email security to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about implementing BIMI and maximizing your DMARC strategy!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BIMI and how does it work?

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) is a technology that allows you to display your brand logo in email clients, enhancing brand trust and engagement. It relies on a combination of DMARC and a new DNS record called the BIMI record, which points to your logo file, ensuring its authenticity and enabling email clients to display it alongside your emails.

What are the benefits of using BIMI?

BIMI offers several advantages, including increased brand visibility and recognition, enhanced trust and credibility, improved email engagement and click-through rates, reduced phishing and spoofing attacks, and a positive impact on your overall brand reputation.

How do I implement BIMI?

Implementing BIMI involves several steps, including choosing a logo, creating a VBI file containing logo information, hosting it on a secure server, adding a BIMI record in your DNS, and verifying your logo through

What are the prerequisites for implementing BIMI?

Before implementing BIMI, you need a valid DMARC record, a verified logo, a secure server to host the VBI file, and proper DNS configuration to point to the VBI file.

What email clients support BIMI?

Major email clients like Gmail,, Yahoo Mail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Opera Mail, Mozilla Firefox, Samsung Email, and Microsoft Outlook (desktop) all support BIMI. However, support may vary depending on the client and its version.

How does BIMI contribute to email security?

BIMI, along with DMARC, helps combat phishing and spoofing attacks by displaying a verified logo, making it harder for attackers to impersonate your brand. Email clients can display warnings when the logo doesn't match the sender's DMARC policy, alerting users to potential threats.

What is the relationship between BIMI and DMARC?

BIMI relies on DMARC for its effectiveness. DMARC ensures that only authorized senders can use your domain to send emails, while BIMI adds a visual element to further enhance brand trust and email security.

What is a VBI file and how do I create one?

A VBI (Verifiable Brand Icon) file is a JSON file that contains information about your logo, including its URL, size, format, and metadata. You can use specialized tools or services to create a VBI file that complies with BIMI standards.

Why is it important to verify my logo through

Verifying your logo through ensures its authenticity and integrity, giving email clients confidence that the logo displayed next to your emails is genuine and not tampered with.