None Policy

Table of Contents

DMARC policies are the heart of the DMARC system, dictating how receiving email servers should handle messages that fail SPF or DKIM authentication checks. There are three main DMARC policies: None, Quarantine, and Reject. Each policy carries different implications for email delivery and sender reputation.

The None policy is the default setting for DMARC. It means that receiving email servers will not take any action based on SPF or DKIM results. This policy allows you to monitor email authentication failures without impacting email delivery. It's a great starting point for implementing DMARC, as it gives you valuable insights into the sending practices of your domain.

Benefits of the None Policy:

  • Monitoring: Allows you to identify spoofing attempts and email authentication issues without disrupting email delivery.
  • No Immediate Impact: Emails from your domain will continue to be delivered as usual, even if they fail SPF or DKIM checks.
  • Data Collection: Provides valuable data on the sources of email authentication failures, helping you diagnose and address issues.

Drawbacks of the None Policy:

  • No Protection: The None policy offers no protection against spoofing or phishing attacks. Emails from spoofed domains can still reach recipients.
  • Limited Control: You have no control over how receiving email servers handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

Quarantine Policy

The Quarantine policy is a step up from the None policy. It instructs receiving email servers to quarantine emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This means that the emails won't be delivered directly to the recipient's inbox, but instead placed in a spam folder or marked as suspicious. This policy helps to mitigate the risk of spoofing and phishing attacks by reducing the chances of malicious emails reaching their intended targets.

Benefits of the Quarantine Policy:

  • Reduced Risk: Quarantining suspicious emails reduces the likelihood of recipients being tricked by spoofed or phishing emails.
  • Early Warning: Provides an early warning system for email authentication failures, allowing you to investigate and address issues before they become widespread.
  • Sender Reputation Protection: Helps protect your sender reputation by preventing fraudulent emails from reaching recipients.

Drawbacks of the Quarantine Policy:

  • Potential for Legitimate Emails to be Quarantined: Misconfigurations or other technical issues can lead to legitimate emails being mistakenly quarantined.
  • User Experience Impact: Recipients might miss legitimate emails if they are mistakenly quarantined.
  • Increased Support Requests: Users may need to contact support to retrieve emails that have been quarantined.

Reject Policy

The Reject policy is the most stringent DMARC policy. It instructs receiving email servers to completely block emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This policy provides the strongest protection against spoofing and phishing attacks by ensuring that malicious emails never reach their targets.

Benefits of the Reject Policy:

  • Strongest Protection: Effectively prevents spoofed or phishing emails from reaching recipients.
  • Improved Sender Reputation: Increases your sender reputation by reducing the number of fraudulent emails associated with your domain.
  • Reduced Support Costs: By blocking malicious emails, you can reduce the number of support requests related to spam and phishing.

Drawbacks of the Reject Policy:

  • Potential for Legitimate Emails to be Blocked: Misconfigurations or other technical issues can lead to legitimate emails being blocked.
  • Impact on Email Deliverability: Email deliverability can be affected if legitimate emails are incorrectly rejected.
  • Increased Risk of Business Disruption: Blocking legitimate emails can disrupt business operations and communication.

Choosing the Right DMARC Policy

The best DMARC policy for your organization depends on your specific needs and risk tolerance. Here are some factors to consider:

  • The Importance of Email Security: If your organization deals with sensitive information or has a high risk of phishing attacks, then a stricter policy like Quarantine or Reject might be necessary.
  • The Impact of Email Delivery: If email deliverability is critical for your business, you may need to start with a None policy and gradually increase the policy level as you address email authentication issues.
  • Your Risk Tolerance: How much risk are you willing to accept in terms of legitimate emails being quarantined or rejected?

[INSERT_IMAGE - A bar chart showing the percentage of email users who have implemented DMARC. The chart should be visually appealing and easy to understand.]

Remember that implementing DMARC is a gradual process. Start with a None policy to monitor and identify issues. Then, slowly transition to a Quarantine policy to gain experience and control over email delivery. Finally, when you're confident in your implementation, you can consider moving to a Reject policy for the highest level of protection.

Now that you understand the basics of DMARC policies, let's explore the next step: Understanding DMARC Mechanics. This section will provide a deeper understanding of how DMARC works behind the scenes and how it interacts with SPF and DKIM.

The "None" Policy: Starting Your DMARC Journey

The "None" policy is the starting point for any DMARC implementation. It's the foundation for building a secure email ecosystem. With the "None" policy, your email server doesn't take any action on messages that fail SPF or DKIM checks. It simply monitors these failures and sends you reports. Think of it as the 'observation' phase of your DMARC journey.

Why Start with None?

Starting with the "None" policy is a smart approach for several reasons:

  • Understanding your Email Landscape: The "None" policy provides valuable insights into the state of your email infrastructure. You'll learn about the volume of emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks, as well as the sources of these failures. This information helps you identify potential problems and address them before implementing more stringent policies.

  • Building a Foundation for Stronger Security: By starting with monitoring, you lay the groundwork for more effective DMARC policies. It allows you to build confidence in your system and make informed decisions about your future strategy.

  • Minimizing Disruption: The "None" policy avoids any disruption to email delivery. Your recipients continue receiving all your emails, even those failing authentication checks. This is important for ensuring business continuity during the initial stages of your DMARC implementation.

Decoding the DMARC Report

The reports generated by the "None" policy contain invaluable information about your email infrastructure. These reports are crucial for understanding the current health of your email system and identifying any vulnerabilities. You'll find details about the percentage of emails failing authentication, the reasons for these failures, and the specific sending domains involved. By analyzing these reports, you can pinpoint areas that need improvement and prioritize remediation efforts.

Transitioning to More Robust Policies

While the "None" policy is a great starting point, it's not the end goal. Once you've gained a good understanding of your email landscape and addressed any critical issues, you can gradually move to more robust DMARC policies. This involves transitioning from "None" to "Quarantine" and eventually, "Reject". This step-by-step approach ensures a smooth transition and minimizes disruption to your email flow.

Learn more about DMARC policies

The "None" policy is a vital step in building a secure email ecosystem. It provides valuable insights into your email infrastructure and helps you identify areas for improvement. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your DMARC strategy and transition to more stringent policies as needed.

Quarantine: Taking a Cautious Approach to Suspicious Emails

The "Quarantine" policy represents the next step in your DMARC journey. It offers a more proactive approach to email security by quarantining emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This means that instead of delivering these emails directly to the recipient's inbox, they are temporarily held in a separate location. This provides a buffer against potential phishing attempts or other email-borne threats.

Quarantine Policy: A Middle Ground for Email Security

The "Quarantine" policy represents a middle ground between the passive monitoring of "None" and the strict blocking of "Reject." This policy offers a balance between security and user experience, allowing you to protect your domain from malicious emails while minimizing disruptions for legitimate senders.

When a DMARC Quarantine policy is in place, emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks are not immediately delivered to the recipient's inbox. Instead, they are placed in a quarantine folder or marked as spam. This approach provides a buffer against potential threats while giving legitimate senders a chance to fix authentication issues and ensure their emails reach their intended recipients.

Benefits of Quarantine Policy:

  • Reduced risk of spoofed emails reaching inboxes: By placing potentially malicious emails in quarantine, the Quarantine policy helps prevent phishing attacks, spam, and other forms of email-based fraud.
  • Protection against sender reputation damage: When spoofed emails fail authentication, they can damage the sender's reputation, impacting their deliverability and overall email marketing effectiveness. The Quarantine policy protects your domain from such damage by preventing these emails from reaching the inbox.
  • Improved email security posture: The Quarantine policy signifies a proactive approach to email security, showcasing your commitment to protecting your domain and your users' inboxes from malicious activities.
  • Opportunity for sender remediation: The Quarantine policy provides a chance for legitimate senders to address authentication failures and improve their email deliverability. It gives them time to implement necessary changes and ensure future emails are delivered successfully.

Implementation and Monitoring:

Implementing the Quarantine policy requires careful planning and monitoring. You need to ensure that your email infrastructure is properly configured and that you have established processes for handling quarantined emails. Consider the following aspects:

  • Quarantine folder management: Determine how quarantined emails will be handled. Will they be automatically deleted after a certain period, or will users be notified and given the option to release them?
  • Feedback loops: Implement a feedback loop mechanism to alert senders about failed authentication attempts and provide guidance on how to improve their email sending practices. This feedback loop can help address issues promptly and improve overall email deliverability.
  • Monitoring and reporting: Closely monitor the Quarantine policy's effectiveness by tracking the number of quarantined emails and analyzing their content. This data will provide insights into the types of threats you're facing and help you make informed decisions about your email security strategy.

Transitioning from None to Quarantine:

When moving from the "None" policy to the "Quarantine" policy, consider a gradual approach to minimize disruptions. Start with a small percentage of your domain's traffic and monitor the results carefully. You can gradually increase the percentage over time until you're comfortable with the full implementation.

Next Steps: The Reject Policy

While the Quarantine policy offers a good balance between security and user experience, it might not be sufficient for organizations with extremely strict security requirements. In such cases, the "Reject" policy may be a more appropriate choice. Learn more about the Reject policy. The Reject policy offers the highest level of protection by completely blocking any email that fails SPF or DKIM checks. It's important to understand the potential impact of this policy on legitimate senders and carefully consider its implications before implementing it.

DMARC Reject Policy: The Strongest Shield for Your Domain

The DMARC Reject policy is the most stringent of the three policies, offering the highest level of protection against email spoofing and phishing. When a DMARC Reject policy is in place, any email that fails SPF or DKIM authentication checks is immediately rejected by the receiving email server. This means the email will never reach the intended recipient's inbox.

While this may seem like a drastic measure, the Reject policy offers significant advantages for organizations prioritizing email security:

Benefits of the DMARC Reject Policy:

  • Maximum Protection: By blocking all unauthenticated emails, the Reject policy eliminates the possibility of spoofed or phishing emails reaching inboxes, significantly reducing the risk of brand damage, financial loss, and reputational harm. This is especially crucial for organizations handling sensitive information or dealing with high-profile individuals.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Implementing a DMARC Reject policy demonstrates your commitment to email security and strengthens your domain's reputation. This can improve your deliverability rates and increase trust among your recipients.
  • Improved User Experience: By preventing fraudulent emails from reaching users, the Reject policy protects their inboxes from spam, malware, and phishing attempts, improving their overall email experience.
  • Reduced Compliance Risks: In today's increasingly regulated environment, the Reject policy can help organizations comply with industry standards and legal requirements for email security, such as GDPR and HIPAA.

Implementing the DMARC Reject Policy:

Transitioning to a Reject policy should be a well-planned process to minimize disruptions to your email flow. The steps involved include:

  1. Start with the None Policy: Begin by implementing the DMARC None policy to monitor authentication failures and identify potential issues. This allows you to understand your email infrastructure and address any problems before moving to a more restrictive policy.
  2. Transition to the Quarantine Policy: Once you've gained sufficient visibility and addressed any issues, gradually transition to the Quarantine policy. This will allow you to test the impact of the policy and identify any potential issues with your email sending practices.
  3. Implement the Reject Policy: After you've successfully implemented the Quarantine policy and addressed any remaining issues, you can finally transition to the Reject policy. Be prepared to handle potential issues that may arise during the transition, such as legitimate emails from new senders being rejected.

Managing the Reject Policy:

Even with a DMARC Reject policy in place, it's essential to continuously monitor your email flow, identify any false positives, and maintain a feedback loop with your email sending partners. This will help you minimize the risk of legitimate emails being rejected and ensure the policy remains effective.

The Importance of Alignment with SPF and DKIM:

For a DMARC policy to be effective, it's crucial to ensure proper alignment with SPF and DKIM. SPF and DKIM: Aligning with DMARC. Without alignment, the DMARC policy may not function as intended, and unauthenticated emails could still reach inboxes.


The DMARC Reject policy offers the most robust protection against email spoofing and phishing, ensuring that only authenticated emails reach your recipients' inboxes. By taking a phased approach to implementation and maintaining continuous monitoring, organizations can leverage the Reject policy to significantly enhance their email security posture and protect their brand, reputation, and users.

Next Steps:

As the final DMARC policy, Reject offers the highest level of security. You might wonder how to actually implement these policies and what steps you need to take. The next section will focus on Implementing DMARC and explore the steps needed to successfully deploy DMARC on your domain. This will provide you with the practical guidance needed to start securing your email communication.

Choosing the Right DMARC Policy: A Guide to Protecting Your Email Reputation

Now that you've familiarized yourself with the fundamentals of DMARC policies - None, Quarantine, and Reject - it's time to choose the best policy for your organization. This decision is crucial as it directly affects how your emails are handled and, ultimately, the effectiveness of your email security strategy.

No single policy is universally optimal. The right choice depends on your specific needs, risk tolerance, and the current state of your email infrastructure. Let's delve into the factors to consider when selecting a DMARC policy.

Factors to Consider

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a DMARC policy:

  • Your email sending volume and sender reputation: If you send a high volume of emails, a stricter policy might be necessary to maintain a strong sender reputation. Conversely, if you send a smaller volume, you might be able to start with a more lenient policy and gradually transition to a stricter one.
  • Your risk tolerance: The level of risk you're comfortable with will influence your policy selection. For businesses with sensitive data or high-profile brands, a more stringent policy might be preferable.
  • The level of control you have over your email sending infrastructure: If you have complete control over your email sending infrastructure, you can implement a stricter policy with greater confidence. However, if you use third-party email marketing services or rely on multiple sending domains, you might need to start with a more lenient policy and gradually transition to a stricter one.
  • Your technical expertise: Implementing a DMARC policy requires technical knowledge. If you're not comfortable with the technical aspects of DMARC, you might want to start with a simpler policy and gradually increase the complexity as your expertise grows.

A Gradual Approach

The recommended approach to choosing a DMARC policy is to start with the least restrictive option, "None," and gradually move to stricter policies like "Quarantine" and "Reject." This gradual approach allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your policies, gain insights into your email infrastructure, and identify any potential issues before implementing stricter measures.

  • Start with "None" - The "None" policy is a great starting point for anyone new to DMARC. It allows you to monitor your email authentication failures without impacting email delivery. This provides valuable insights into your email infrastructure and helps you identify potential issues before implementing stricter policies.

  • Transition to "Quarantine" - Once you're comfortable with the "None" policy and have identified any potential issues, you can transition to the "Quarantine" policy. This policy allows you to quarantine emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks instead of delivering them to the inbox. This reduces the risk of spoofed emails reaching inboxes and helps to protect your domain's reputation.

  • Consider "Reject" - The "Reject" policy is the most stringent option and should be implemented only after careful planning and monitoring. This policy blocks all emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks, providing maximum protection against spoofing and phishing attacks. However, it's important to ensure that your email infrastructure is properly configured and that you have established feedback loops to address any potential issues.

Key Considerations

Here are some key considerations for implementing each policy:

None Policy:

  • Pros:
    • Provides valuable monitoring and insights.
    • Minimizes disruption to email flow.
    • Easy to implement.
  • Cons:
    • Doesn't provide any protection against spoofed emails.
    • Might not be sufficient for organizations with high security requirements.

Quarantine Policy:

  • Pros:
    • Offers a balance between security and user experience.
    • Reduces the risk of spoofed emails reaching inboxes.
    • Helps to protect your domain's reputation.
  • Cons:
    • Requires careful planning and monitoring.
    • May result in legitimate emails being quarantined.
    • Requires managing quarantine folders and establishing feedback loops.

Reject Policy:

  • Pros:
    • Provides the highest level of protection against spoofed emails.
    • Improves your overall email security posture.
  • Cons:
    • Requires careful implementation and alignment with SPF and DKIM.
    • Can lead to legitimate emails being rejected.
    • Requires continuous monitoring and feedback loops.


Choosing the right DMARC policy is an important decision that requires careful consideration. The ideal policy depends on your organization's specific needs, risk tolerance, and technical expertise. By starting with the "None" policy and gradually transitioning to stricter policies, you can effectively protect your domain's reputation and improve your overall email security posture.

Remember, DMARC is an ongoing process. It requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to ensure that your policies are effective and aligned with your evolving needs.

Ready to take the next step and implement DMARC? Learn more about implementing DMARC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a DMARC policy?

DMARC policies dictate how receiving email servers should handle messages that fail SPF or DKIM authentication checks. They help protect your domain from spoofing and phishing attacks by controlling email delivery based on authentication results.

What are the different types of DMARC policies?

There are three main DMARC policies: None, Quarantine, and Reject. Each policy has varying levels of strictness, with None offering the least protection and Reject offering the most.

Why should I start with the "None" policy?

The "None" policy allows you to monitor your email authentication failures without impacting email delivery. This provides valuable insights into your email infrastructure and helps you identify potential issues before implementing stricter policies.

What are the benefits of the "Quarantine" policy?

The "Quarantine" policy reduces the risk of spoofed emails reaching inboxes by placing them in a quarantine folder. This helps protect your domain's reputation and improves email security.

What is the main difference between the "Quarantine" and "Reject" policies?

The "Quarantine" policy places unauthenticated emails in a separate folder, while the "Reject" policy completely blocks them from reaching the recipient's inbox. The "Reject" policy offers the strongest protection but requires careful implementation.

How can I choose the right DMARC policy for my organization?

The best DMARC policy for your organization depends on your email volume, risk tolerance, technical expertise, and the level of control you have over your email infrastructure. It's recommended to start with "None" and gradually transition to stricter policies as needed.