Incorrect DNS Record Syntax: A Common DMARC Pitfall

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When setting up DMARC, you're essentially telling email receivers how to verify the authenticity of your emails. You do this by configuring DNS records – specifically, the _dmarc record. However, a common mistake is using incorrect syntax in these records, which can lead to DMARC failing to function as intended.

Understanding DNS Record Syntax

DNS records are structured using specific syntax that email receivers understand. The _dmarc record follows a similar format to SPF and DKIM records. It's essential to get the syntax correct to ensure your DMARC policy is correctly interpreted by email servers.

Common Errors in DNS Record Syntax:

Here are some common syntax errors encountered in _dmarc records:

  1. Missing or Incorrect Tags: DMARC records use tags like p, sp, fo, and rua to define policies and reporting options. Missing or incorrectly spelled tags can lead to errors in processing.


    Incorrect: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1"

    Correct: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

  2. Invalid Policy Values: The policy value (represented by the p tag) can be none, quarantine, or reject. Using an invalid value, like block, will lead to misinterpretation.


    Incorrect: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=block; sp=none; fo=1;"

    Correct: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

  3. Incorrectly Formatted Email Addresses: Email addresses for reporting (specified by the rua and ruf tags) must be correctly formatted. Misspellings or missing characters can lead to delivery issues.


    Incorrect: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1; rua=mailto:dmarc.examplecom"

    Correct: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

  4. Missing Semicolons and Quotation Marks: Semicolons (;) and quotation marks (") are crucial in separating tags and values in DMARC records. Missing or misplaced characters can result in parsing errors.


    Incorrect: IN TXT v=DMARC1 p=quarantine sp=none fo=1

    Correct: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

  5. Case Sensitivity: While DNS records are generally case-insensitive, it's best practice to use lowercase characters for tags and values for consistency and readability.


    Incorrect: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; P=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

    Correct: IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; fo=1;"

Verifying DNS Record Syntax

After creating your DMARC record, it's crucial to verify the syntax for accuracy. You can use online tools like MXToolbox, DNS Checker, or DMARC Analyzer to test the syntax of your _dmarc record. These tools will identify any errors and provide guidance on correcting them.

Impact of Syntax Errors

Incorrect syntax in your _dmarc record can have several negative consequences:

  • DMARC Policy Failure: Your DMARC policy won't be properly implemented, meaning email receivers might not apply your designated policies (quarantine or reject) for unaligned emails.
  • Increased Spam and Phishing: Without a functional DMARC policy, spammers and phishers can more easily impersonate your domain, leading to increased spam and phishing attempts.
  • Reduced Deliverability: If email servers are unable to parse your DMARC record, they may mark your emails as suspicious, leading to reduced deliverability.

Troubleshooting Syntax Issues

If you suspect incorrect syntax in your _dmarc record, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Double-Check the Syntax: Carefully examine your record and compare it to the DMARC specification Look for missing characters, incorrect tags, or invalid values.

  2. Use Online Validation Tools: Employ online tools like those mentioned earlier to validate the syntax of your _dmarc record. They can pinpoint errors and suggest solutions.

  3. Seek Expert Assistance: If you're unsure about troubleshooting or need expert guidance, consider consulting with a DMARC specialist or security expert.

Moving Forward: DMARC Policy Implementation

Once you've addressed any syntax errors, it's essential to carefully implement your DMARC policy. This involves configuring the appropriate policy (p tag) and selecting reporting options (rua, ruf, fo). Remember to start with a monitoring policy (p=none) to understand your email ecosystem and address potential issues before moving to a more strict policy.

The next section will delve into another common DMARC implementation mistake: [INSERT_IMAGE - a colorful diagram showcasing a complex email ecosystem] Incorrect alignment with SPF and DKIM.

This mistake is closely related to syntax errors, as proper alignment with SPF and DKIM requires careful configuration and syntax accuracy. Understanding how to correctly align your DMARC policy with SPF and DKIM is crucial for effectively securing your email channel. Let's explore this important aspect of DMARC implementation next.

Misconfigured DMARC Tags: A Common Pitfall

When implementing DMARC, you're setting the rules for how your email server should be authenticated. A crucial part of this process is configuring the _dmarc record in your Domain Name System (DNS). This record tells receiving email servers how to handle emails claiming to be from your domain. However, a common mistake is misconfiguring this record, leading to issues like policy failures and unintended consequences.

Understanding the _dmarc Record

The _dmarc record is a DNS record that contains instructions for email receivers on how to handle emails claiming to originate from your domain. It uses a special format called a TXT record and includes various tags that control your DMARC policy. Here's a breakdown of essential tags:

  • v: This tag specifies the DMARC version you're using. Currently, the most recent version is v=DMARC1.
  • p: This tag defines your policy on how to handle emails that fail authentication checks. It has three possible values:
    • none: No action is taken. Emails are delivered as usual.
    • quarantine: Emails are quarantined or placed in a spam folder.
    • reject: Emails are rejected and never reach the recipient's inbox.
  • sp: This tag specifies the alignment policy for SPF and DKIM. It dictates whether SPF and DKIM checks must both pass for an email to be considered legitimate. The values are similar to the p tag: none, quarantine, or reject.
  • rua: This tag specifies the email addresses to receive aggregate reports (daily summaries of DMARC authentication results).
  • ruf: This tag specifies the email addresses to receive forensic reports (detailed reports about specific emails that failed DMARC checks).

Common Misconfiguration Errors

Here are some common mistakes made when configuring DMARC tags, along with explanations and potential consequences:

1. Incorrect Syntax:

A minor error in the syntax of your _dmarc record can have significant consequences. For example, if you forget to include a required tag or misplace a semicolon, the entire record may be invalid. This can lead to the policy failing to be enforced, allowing spoofed emails to reach inboxes.

2. Conflicting DMARC Policies:

Having multiple _dmarc records in your DNS can lead to conflicting policies. This occurs when different records have different policy settings (e.g., one record set to p=quarantine and another set to p=reject). Email servers may not be able to interpret these conflicting instructions correctly, leading to unpredictable behavior and possibly compromising your email security.

3. Unintentional Policy Changes:

Changes in your DMARC policy can have a ripple effect on your email deliverability. For instance, if you're using the quarantine policy and decide to switch to reject, all emails that previously were quarantined might be completely rejected, affecting legitimate recipients. This can disrupt your communications and damage your sender reputation. Therefore, always carefully consider the implications of any policy change before implementing it.

4. Overly Strict Policies:

While a strict DMARC policy might seem like the safest option, it can lead to unintended consequences. For example, setting the p tag to reject immediately rejects any email that fails authentication, even if it's a legitimate email from your own server. This could happen due to temporary network issues or misconfigurations that temporarily affect authentication checks. Overly strict policies can hurt your deliverability and cause unnecessary disruptions to your email communications.

5. Insufficient Reporting:

DMARC reports provide valuable insights into your email authentication health. If you don't configure the rua and ruf tags correctly, you won't receive these reports. This makes it difficult to monitor your DMARC policy effectiveness, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions about future adjustments.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

1. Use a DMARC Record Validator:

There are online tools available that can help you validate your _dmarc record syntax and detect errors. Use these validators regularly to ensure that your record is correctly formatted and meets DMARC specifications.

2. Regularly Review Reports:

Once you've implemented DMARC, make sure to regularly analyze your DMARC reports. These reports offer insights into how your DMARC policy is performing and can reveal potential issues. Use this data to adjust your policy and optimize your email authentication strategy.

3. Start with a Gradual Approach:

Instead of immediately enforcing a strict DMARC policy, it's recommended to start with a less aggressive approach. Begin by setting the p tag to none, analyze the reports, and gradually increase the policy to quarantine and then reject as you gain confidence in your configuration and resolve any identified issues. This allows you to monitor the impact of your policy changes and minimize potential disruptions.

4. Seek Expert Assistance:

Implementing and troubleshooting DMARC can be complex. If you're unsure about any aspect of the process, don't hesitate to consult with a DMARC expert or use a reputable DMARC management platform. These experts can provide guidance, help you interpret reports, and ensure your DMARC policy is correctly configured for optimal security and deliverability.

Next: Incorrect DNS Record Syntax

While misconfigured DMARC tags are a common issue, it's equally important to ensure the syntax of your DNS records is correct. The next section explores the significance of DNS record syntax and how errors can lead to DMARC policy failures. Incorrect DNS Record Syntax will provide a detailed overview of these errors and guide you on how to avoid them.

Improper SPF and DKIM Alignment: A Crucial Aspect of DMARC Success

DMARC works by comparing the sender's claimed identity (in the From header) against the sender's reputation based on SPF and DKIM authentication. If the information aligns, the message is deemed legitimate. However, if there's a mismatch, the email is flagged as suspicious, and the receiving email server may choose to reject or quarantine it. Therefore, proper SPF and DKIM alignment is essential for successful DMARC implementation.

Why Does Proper Alignment Matter?

Imagine sending a letter from your home address. Your name on the envelope is the From header, and the return address is your SPF record. The postal service (email server) verifies if your letter came from the address on the envelope. DKIM acts as a digital signature, like a seal on your letter, verifying that it hasn't been tampered with during transit. DMARC then ensures that the envelope, the seal, and the contents of the letter all match.

If there are discrepancies, the postal service may suspect that your letter is fake and may choose not to deliver it. Similarly, if your SPF and DKIM records don't align with your From header, email servers may reject or quarantine your emails, leading to decreased deliverability and potential reputational damage.

Common Alignment Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes that can affect SPF and DKIM alignment and ultimately hinder DMARC implementation:

  1. Using Different Domains for SPF and DKIM: This occurs when the From header uses a different domain than the one specified in your SPF and DKIM records. For example, if your SPF record uses and your DKIM record uses, but your email is sent from, your DMARC policy will fail because the sender's domain doesn't match the authenticated domains.

  2. Incomplete SPF Records: If your SPF record doesn't include all the sending IPs or services, your emails might not pass SPF authentication. This can lead to misaligned DMARC policies and inaccurate reputation assessments. For example, if your SPF record only includes your main email server, but you also use a third-party marketing platform for sending newsletters, your emails sent from the marketing platform might fail SPF authentication, leading to DMARC failures.

  3. Conflicting DKIM Signatures: Multiple DKIM signatures from different domains can confuse email servers and prevent accurate DMARC evaluation. For instance, if your organization uses both and, but your DKIM record only uses, emails sent from might fail DKIM authentication, leading to DMARC failures.

  4. Incorrect Domain Ownership Verification: SPF and DKIM records are associated with specific domains. If your domain ownership is incorrectly set up, you might not be able to properly configure these records, leading to misaligned DMARC policies. For example, if you're using a DNS service provider that doesn't properly validate your domain ownership, your SPF and DKIM records might not be properly published, resulting in alignment issues.

  5. Forgotten or Outdated SPF and DKIM Records: Over time, your email sending infrastructure might change, and your SPF and DKIM records might not reflect these changes. This can lead to misalignment issues and DMARC failures. For example, if you switch email service providers but don't update your SPF record to include your new provider's IP addresses, your emails might fail SPF authentication.

Preventing Alignment Issues

Here are some best practices to help you avoid SPF and DKIM alignment issues during DMARC implementation:

  • Use the same domain for SPF, DKIM, and the From header: Ensure your SPF and DKIM records use the same domain as the one specified in your From header. This helps ensure consistent authentication and avoids confusion for email servers.
  • Maintain comprehensive SPF records: Include all sending IPs and services in your SPF record. This ensures all your emails are authenticated correctly and avoids DMARC failures due to missing IPs or services.
  • Avoid using multiple DKIM signatures: If your organization uses different domains for sending emails, it's best to consolidate them under a single domain to avoid conflicting DKIM signatures. This can simplify your DMARC implementation and improve alignment.
  • Verify domain ownership: Make sure your DNS service provider properly validates your domain ownership before publishing your SPF and DKIM records. This ensures that your records are correctly configured and avoids potential alignment issues.
  • Regularly review and update SPF and DKIM records: As your email sending infrastructure changes, ensure you review and update your SPF and DKIM records to reflect those changes. This helps maintain consistent authentication and prevents misaligned DMARC policies.

Impact of Improper Alignment

Improper SPF and DKIM alignment can lead to several adverse consequences, including:

  • Decreased deliverability: Emails that fail DMARC authentication due to misalignment are more likely to be rejected or quarantined by email servers, leading to decreased email deliverability and potential loss of revenue.
  • Reputational damage: If your emails are consistently flagged as suspicious due to misaligned SPF and DKIM records, your sender reputation can suffer. This can lead to decreased email engagement and harm your brand image.
  • Security risks: Improper alignment can also create security risks. If you're not authenticating your emails properly, it's easier for spoofers to forge messages and impersonate your organization. This can lead to phishing scams, malware distribution, and other cyberattacks.

Seeking Expert Assistance

If you're struggling with SPF and DKIM alignment or have doubts about your DMARC implementation, it's always best to seek help from a DMARC expert. They can assess your configuration, identify potential issues, and provide tailored solutions to ensure proper alignment and DMARC success. Learn more about DMARC best practices.

The Next Step: Misconfigured DMARC Tags

While proper SPF and DKIM alignment is essential, it's only one piece of the DMARC puzzle. Misconfigured DMARC tags themselves can also lead to policy failures and compromised email security. The next section explores these common DMARC tag misconfigurations, providing insights into how to rectify them and achieve optimal DMARC performance. Read more.

Lack of Monitoring and Reporting Analysis: A Common DMARC Pitfall

Implementing DMARC is a crucial step towards securing your email channels, but it's only the first step. The true power of DMARC lies in its ability to provide valuable insights into your email infrastructure and identify potential threats. However, neglecting to monitor and analyze DMARC reports can render the entire implementation ineffective.

Imagine setting up a security system for your home but then failing to check the alarm logs or monitor the cameras. You wouldn't know if an intrusion had occurred or if the system was even working properly. The same principle applies to DMARC. Without regularly analyzing the reports, you might be missing crucial information about email spoofing attempts, unauthorized senders, and other security threats.

The Importance of DMARC Reporting

DMARC reports are a treasure trove of data that can help you gain a deeper understanding of your email ecosystem. These reports provide detailed information about:

  • Email authentication: Whether your emails are properly authenticated using SPF and DKIM.
  • Alignment: How well your SPF and DKIM records are aligned with each other and with your DMARC policy.
  • Spoofing attempts: Emails that are attempting to spoof your domain.
  • Delivery rates: The percentage of your emails that are successfully delivered.
  • Quarantined or rejected emails: Emails that were either quarantined or rejected by receiving mail servers due to failing authentication checks.

Why Monitoring Matters

Regularly reviewing these reports can help you:

  • Identify and address security threats: By analyzing spoofing attempts, you can take steps to protect your brand from phishing attacks and other forms of email abuse.
  • Improve email deliverability: Identifying and fixing alignment issues can lead to higher deliverability rates, ensuring that your emails reach your intended recipients.
  • Enforce your DMARC policy: Monitoring reports can help you track the effectiveness of your DMARC policy and make adjustments as needed.
  • Stay informed about your email ecosystem: DMARC reports can provide valuable insights into how your email infrastructure is performing and help you identify any potential issues.

The Consequences of Neglect

Failing to monitor DMARC reports can have serious consequences for your organization. Here are a few potential risks:

  • Increased risk of email spoofing and phishing: Without monitoring, you might not detect spoofing attempts, which could lead to brand damage, reputational harm, and financial losses.
  • Decreased email deliverability: Misaligned SPF and DKIM records can lead to decreased deliverability, resulting in lost revenue and missed opportunities.
  • Limited visibility into email security: Neglecting reports means missing out on valuable insights into your email infrastructure and potential threats.

Best Practices for Monitoring DMARC Reports

To maximize the benefits of DMARC, it's crucial to establish a consistent monitoring process. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Set up automated reporting: Configure your DMARC record to send reports to a designated email address or a dedicated reporting tool. This will ensure you receive regular updates without having to manually check for reports.
  2. Regularly analyze reports: Make time to review your DMARC reports on a regular basis, ideally at least weekly or even daily. This will allow you to identify any emerging trends or potential issues promptly.
  3. Utilize reporting tools: There are several tools available that can help you analyze and interpret DMARC reports. These tools can simplify the process and provide valuable insights.
  4. Act on findings: Don't just read the reports and ignore the information. Take action on any issues or trends that you identify, such as updating your SPF or DKIM records, investigating spoofing attempts, or adjusting your DMARC policy.
  5. Keep learning and evolving: DMARC is a constantly evolving technology, so it's important to stay up-to-date on best practices and new developments. Attend industry events, read blogs and articles, and consider engaging with DMARC experts.


Monitoring and analyzing DMARC reports is an essential part of a comprehensive email security strategy. By taking the time to review these reports, you can gain valuable insights into your email infrastructure, identify potential threats, and protect your brand reputation. Don't let your DMARC implementation go to waste. Embrace the power of reporting and take your email security to the next level.

Next Steps

Ready to take your DMARC security to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our DMARC reporting and analysis services. We can help you get the most out of your DMARC implementation and ensure that your emails are secure and deliverable.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the _dmarc record?

The _dmarc record acts as a set of instructions for receiving email servers on how to handle emails claiming to be from your domain. It defines your policy on how to deal with emails that fail authentication checks and specifies how you want to receive reports about these failures.

Why is it important to use the correct syntax in my _dmarc record?

Incorrect syntax can lead to your DMARC policy failing to be implemented properly. This means that email receivers might not apply your designated policies (quarantine or reject) for unaligned emails, leaving your emails vulnerable to spoofing and phishing.

What are some common mistakes people make when configuring DMARC tags?

Common mistakes include using incorrect syntax, creating conflicting DMARC policies, making unintentional policy changes, setting overly strict policies, and neglecting to configure proper reporting options.

How can I make sure that my SPF and DKIM records are properly aligned with my DMARC policy?

Ensure that all three use the same domain, maintain comprehensive SPF records including all sending IPs and services, avoid multiple DKIM signatures, verify domain ownership correctly, and regularly review and update your SPF and DKIM records to reflect any changes in your email sending infrastructure.

Why is it important to monitor and analyze DMARC reports?

DMARC reports provide valuable insights into your email ecosystem, helping you identify and address security threats, improve email deliverability, enforce your DMARC policy, and stay informed about your email infrastructure's performance. Failing to monitor these reports can lead to increased risk of spoofing, decreased deliverability, and limited visibility into email security.