DMARC API Documentation and Examples

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DMARC provides a powerful framework for securing email, but its implementation can be complex. Fortunately, several API solutions are available to streamline the process and make it more accessible for developers. Using these APIs, developers can automate DMARC record management, monitor email authentication results, and receive real-time insights into email security threats.

Understanding DMARC APIs

DMARC APIs offer a way to interact with DMARC record management systems programmatically. These APIs typically provide functionalities such as:

  • DMARC Record Creation and Management: APIs allow developers to create, update, and delete DMARC records. They provide an efficient way to manage DMARC configurations for various domains or subdomains, simplifying the process of policy updates.
  • Email Authentication Results Monitoring: DMARC APIs enable developers to retrieve and analyze email authentication results from the DMARC reporting system. These results provide valuable insights into email spoofing attempts and overall email security posture.
  • Policy Enforcement: Some APIs allow developers to set and enforce DMARC policies programmatically. This enables automation of policy updates based on specific criteria or predefined rules.

Several leading DMARC solution providers offer APIs to facilitate integration with developer workflows. Here are some popular options:

  • offers a comprehensive API suite for managing DMARC records, retrieving email authentication results, and enforcing policies. Their API documentation is readily available, providing developers with clear instructions and examples.
  • Proofpoint: Proofpoint, a leading email security provider, provides an API that allows developers to manage DMARC configurations, monitor email authentication results, and access detailed reporting data.
  • Agari: Agari, another prominent email security company, offers an API that enables developers to integrate DMARC into their applications and workflows. Their API supports features such as DMARC record creation and management, reporting access, and policy enforcement.

Benefits of Using DMARC APIs

Integrating DMARC APIs into your workflows offers several key benefits for developers:

  • Automation: APIs streamline the management of DMARC records, eliminating manual tasks and saving time. This is especially beneficial for large organizations with multiple domains.
  • Scalability: APIs can handle a significant volume of requests, ensuring efficient scaling as your organization grows and the number of monitored domains increases.
  • Real-time Insights: Access to real-time email authentication results through APIs provides developers with valuable insights into email spoofing attempts and allows for quick responses to threats.
  • Integration with Other Systems: DMARC APIs can be seamlessly integrated with various systems, such as security monitoring platforms, incident management tools, and email authentication reporting systems.

DMARC API Examples

To illustrate the practical application of DMARC APIs, let's explore some common use cases:

  • Monitoring Email Authentication Results: Developers can use APIs to continuously monitor email authentication results and detect any anomalies or suspicious activity. This enables proactive threat detection and response.
  • Automated DMARC Record Management: APIs can be used to automate the process of creating, updating, and deleting DMARC records based on predefined policies or changes in email security requirements.
  • Integration with SIEM Systems: DMARC API data can be integrated into Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, providing a comprehensive view of security events and facilitating automated incident response.

Best Practices for Using DMARC APIs

Here are some best practices to ensure successful implementation and utilization of DMARC APIs:

  • Thorough Documentation Review: Start by reviewing the API documentation thoroughly to understand the available functionalities, request formats, and response structures.
  • API Testing and Validation: Before deploying the API integration into production, conduct comprehensive testing to validate the functionality and ensure proper integration with your systems.
  • Security Considerations: Prioritize security considerations when integrating APIs. Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle potential errors during API calls and ensure smooth operation.

Next Steps: Integrating DMARC with Your Applications

Now that you have a solid understanding of DMARC APIs and their benefits, it's time to explore how to integrate them with your applications. The next section will delve into specific implementation examples and provide practical guidance for integrating DMARC into your workflows. Integrating DMARC with Your Applications

Building DMARC Reporting Dashboards and Visualizations

DMARC reports provide valuable insights into your email sending practices and the effectiveness of your email authentication policies. However, raw DMARC reports can be overwhelming and difficult to interpret, especially for large organizations with complex email workflows. This is where DMARC reporting dashboards and visualizations come into play.

Reporting dashboards offer a centralized view of your DMARC data, enabling you to easily track key metrics and identify trends. Visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps, make it easier to understand complex data patterns and gain actionable insights.

Benefits of DMARC Reporting Dashboards and Visualizations

  1. Improved Email Security: By visualizing DMARC data, you can quickly identify potential security threats, such as spoofing or phishing attempts, and take appropriate action to mitigate these risks. For example, you can see which domains are sending the most unauthorized emails and prioritize your efforts to address these issues.

  2. Enhanced Email Deliverability: DMARC reporting dashboards can help you optimize your email sending practices and improve email deliverability rates. By tracking metrics like alignment and pass rates, you can identify areas where you need to improve your email authentication configurations.

  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: DMARC reporting dashboards provide valuable data that can inform your decision-making process regarding email security and deliverability. You can use this data to prioritize your efforts, allocate resources effectively, and make strategic decisions that enhance your email security posture.

Key Metrics to Track in DMARC Reporting Dashboards

  1. Alignment: This metric shows the percentage of emails that are aligned with your SPF and DKIM policies. A high alignment rate indicates that your email authentication policies are configured correctly and that your emails are more likely to be delivered.

  2. Pass Rate: This metric shows the percentage of emails that pass your DMARC policy. A high pass rate indicates that your emails are authentic and less likely to be flagged as spam.

  3. Failure Rate: This metric shows the percentage of emails that fail your DMARC policy. A high failure rate indicates that you have a problem with your email authentication policies or that your emails are being spoofed. This requires further investigation.

  4. Quarantine Rate: This metric shows the percentage of emails that are quarantined by receiving email servers due to DMARC policy enforcement. A high quarantine rate suggests that your DMARC policy is too strict and may be impacting legitimate email delivery.

  5. Reject Rate: This metric shows the percentage of emails that are rejected by receiving email servers due to DMARC policy enforcement. A high reject rate indicates that your DMARC policy is very strict and may be blocking legitimate emails. This requires careful consideration.

Building a DMARC Reporting Dashboard

Building a DMARC reporting dashboard requires choosing the right tools and implementing them effectively. Here are some popular options:

  1. DMARC Analytics Platforms: Specialized DMARC analytics platforms, such as and Proofpoint, offer pre-built dashboards and visualizations that can be customized to meet your specific needs.

  2. Email Security Solutions: Many email security solutions, such as Agari and Mimecast, integrate DMARC reporting capabilities into their platforms, providing a comprehensive view of your email security posture.

  3. Data Visualization Tools: Data visualization tools, such as Tableau and Power BI, can be used to create custom dashboards and visualizations for DMARC data. This requires technical expertise and can be a more complex approach compared to using specialized DMARC analytics platforms.


DMARC reporting dashboards and visualizations are essential tools for understanding your email sending practices and the effectiveness of your email authentication policies. They can help you improve email security, enhance email deliverability, and make data-driven decisions regarding your email strategy. By investing in a DMARC reporting solution, you can gain valuable insights from your DMARC data and optimize your email security posture.

Next, we will explore the different DMARC reporting formats available and discuss best practices for interpreting and analyzing DMARC reports. This will help you understand the specific data points within a DMARC report and gain valuable insights into your email sending practices.

Integrating DMARC with SIEM Systems

Integrating DMARC with your existing security information and event management (SIEM) system can significantly enhance your organization's email security posture and provide valuable insights into potential threats. SIEM systems collect and analyze security data from various sources, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint security tools. By integrating DMARC data into your SIEM, you gain a comprehensive view of your email security landscape, enabling you to identify and respond to threats more effectively.

Benefits of Integrating DMARC with SIEM

Integrating DMARC with your SIEM offers several key benefits:

  • Centralized Security Monitoring: By aggregating DMARC data within your SIEM, you can centralize your email security monitoring, gaining a holistic view of email-related threats and incidents. This simplifies threat detection and incident response.
  • Enhanced Threat Detection: DMARC data provides valuable information about email spoofing and phishing attempts, which can be integrated with other security data within your SIEM to enhance threat detection capabilities. By analyzing DMARC data alongside other security events, you can identify patterns and correlations that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Improved Incident Response: DMARC data can help accelerate incident response by providing crucial information about the source and nature of email-related attacks. This information can help security teams quickly assess the impact of an attack, isolate affected systems, and take appropriate mitigation measures.
  • Automated Threat Intelligence: By integrating DMARC data into your SIEM, you can automate the collection and analysis of threat intelligence, providing real-time insights into emerging email security threats. This allows you to proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

How to Integrate DMARC with SIEM

Integrating DMARC with your SIEM typically involves several steps:

  1. Configure DMARC Reporting: First, ensure your DMARC record is properly configured to generate reports. These reports contain detailed information about email authentication attempts, including the sender domain, recipient domain, and authentication results.
  2. Configure SIEM Data Collection: Next, configure your SIEM to collect DMARC reports. You can achieve this by using a dedicated DMARC collector or by integrating a DMARC API into your SIEM. Some SIEM vendors offer built-in support for DMARC integration.
  3. Define SIEM Rules: Once DMARC data is collected, define rules within your SIEM to analyze and correlate this data with other security events. These rules should trigger alerts for suspicious activities, such as unauthorized email senders, spoofing attempts, and phishing campaigns.
  4. Monitor and Respond to Alerts: Regularly monitor your SIEM for alerts generated from DMARC data. Investigate suspicious activities promptly and take appropriate action to mitigate threats and prevent future attacks.

Best Practices for Integration

To ensure effective DMARC integration with your SIEM, consider the following best practices:

  • Establish a Clear Policy: Define a clear DMARC policy and ensure it is aligned with your organization's overall email security strategy. This policy should outline the desired level of protection, including the handling of non-compliant emails.
  • Choose a Suitable SIEM: Select a SIEM solution that offers DMARC integration capabilities or is compatible with DMARC API providers. Research and compare different SIEM solutions to find the best fit for your organization's needs.
  • Implement Robust Data Collection: Ensure your SIEM system efficiently collects and stores DMARC data, including the reports' full content and associated metadata. This will provide you with a comprehensive historical record for analysis and investigation.
  • Establish Clear Alerting Criteria: Define specific criteria for triggering alerts based on DMARC data. This could include suspicious sender domains, unusual authentication failures, or high volumes of spoofed emails. Ensure your alerting system is fine-tuned to minimize false positives.
  • Regularly Review and Update: Regularly review your DMARC policy, SIEM configurations, and alert criteria to ensure they remain effective and aligned with evolving email security threats. Update your DMARC record and SIEM rules as needed to adapt to new security challenges.

Building DMARC Reporting Dashboards

Integrating DMARC with your SIEM provides valuable data for security analysis. However, it is crucial to visualize and analyze this data effectively to gain actionable insights. Building DMARC reporting dashboards can help you understand email authentication trends, identify potential threats, and monitor the effectiveness of your DMARC policies.

[INSERT_IMAGE - DMARC reporting dashboard displaying email authentication metrics, spoofing attempts, and policy alignment]

By visualizing DMARC data, you can gain a clear understanding of your email security posture and identify areas for improvement. This can help you proactively address potential threats and ensure the integrity of your email communication.

This section covers the integration of DMARC data into your SIEM system, a crucial step for comprehensive email security. The next section will delve into building DMARC reporting dashboards and visualizations, providing you with actionable insights from your DMARC data.

Automating DMARC Management Tasks with Scripts and APIs

DMARC implementation can be a complex process, involving configuration, monitoring, and analysis. Fortunately, automating these tasks using scripts and APIs can significantly simplify the process and save you time and effort. By automating DMARC management, you can streamline your workflow, ensure consistent enforcement, and optimize your email security posture.

Benefits of Automating DMARC Management

Automating DMARC management offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: Scripts and APIs allow you to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time to focus on more strategic initiatives. For example, you can automate the process of generating DMARC reports, analyzing data, and sending alerts when issues arise.
  • Improved Accuracy: Automation reduces the risk of human error, ensuring consistent and accurate DMARC configuration and monitoring.
  • Enhanced Security: Automated processes can help you quickly detect and respond to potential threats, such as spoofing and phishing attacks. This proactive approach strengthens your email security posture and protects your brand reputation.
  • Simplified Integration: APIs allow you to seamlessly integrate DMARC into your existing systems and workflows, facilitating smooth data exchange and centralized management.

Scripting and Automation Tools for DMARC

Several tools and languages can be used to automate DMARC management tasks. Here are some popular options:

  • Python: A versatile language with a rich ecosystem of libraries for data processing, API integration, and scripting.
  • Shell Scripting: A powerful tool for automating tasks within your operating system. Shell scripts are ideal for automating repetitive command-line tasks.
  • PowerShell: A scripting language designed for Windows systems, offering comprehensive automation capabilities for managing DMARC configurations and reporting.

DMARC APIs and Their Applications

DMARC APIs provide a programmatic interface to access and manage DMARC data. These APIs enable you to automate various tasks, such as:

  • Generating DMARC Reports: Fetch reports in various formats (e.g., XML, JSON) and process them for analysis.
  • Updating DMARC Policies: Modify your DMARC policies programmatically, adjusting enforcement levels or adding new domains.
  • Monitoring DMARC Data: Set up automated alerts for critical events like policy changes, authentication failures, or suspicious activity.
  • Integrating with Other Systems: Connect DMARC data with your SIEM, email security platform, or other relevant systems for comprehensive security monitoring.

Practical Examples of Scripting and API Integration

Let's explore some practical examples of how you can use scripting and APIs to automate DMARC management:

1. Generating and Analyzing DMARC Reports:

  • You can use a script to periodically fetch DMARC reports from your registrar or email security provider's API.
  • The script can then process the data, extract key metrics (e.g., alignment rate, pass rate), and generate reports in a user-friendly format.
  • These reports can be automatically emailed to relevant stakeholders or displayed on a custom dashboard for easy monitoring.

2. Automating Policy Updates:

  • Develop a script that monitors your DMARC data and identifies domains with low alignment or pass rates.
  • The script can then automatically adjust DMARC policies for these domains to strengthen enforcement and improve email security.
  • You can also use APIs to dynamically update policies based on real-time data analysis.

3. Integrating DMARC with SIEM Systems:

  • Leverage DMARC APIs to collect reporting data and send it to your SIEM system.
  • Configure rules within your SIEM to analyze DMARC data and identify potential threats or anomalies.
  • This integration allows you to centralize security monitoring, improve threat detection, and accelerate incident response.


Automating DMARC management is essential for developers looking to streamline their workflows, enhance email security, and optimize their email deliverability. By leveraging scripts and APIs, you can automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error, and integrate DMARC seamlessly into your existing systems. As DMARC becomes increasingly critical for email security, embracing automation is crucial for staying ahead of evolving threats and ensuring a secure email environment for your organization.

Get started with automating your DMARC management today! Explore our resources, learn about best practices, and find the tools that best suit your needs. Learn More [INSERT_IMAGE - a developer working on a computer with code related to DMARC]

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are DMARC APIs, and how do they benefit developers?

DMARC APIs are programmatic interfaces that allow developers to interact with DMARC record management systems. They offer benefits such as automation, scalability, real-time insights, and integration with other systems, making DMARC implementation more efficient and effective.

Popular DMARC API providers include, Proofpoint, and Agari. These providers offer APIs that enable developers to manage DMARC records, monitor email authentication results, and enforce policies programmatically.

How can DMARC APIs be used for monitoring email authentication results?

DMARC APIs allow developers to retrieve and analyze email authentication results from the DMARC reporting system. This provides insights into email spoofing attempts and helps identify potential threats proactively.

What are the best practices for using DMARC APIs?

Best practices for using DMARC APIs include reviewing documentation thoroughly, conducting thorough testing, prioritizing security considerations, and implementing robust error handling mechanisms.

How can I integrate DMARC data into my SIEM system?

You can integrate DMARC with your SIEM by configuring DMARC reporting, setting up SIEM data collection, defining SIEM rules, and monitoring alerts. This allows for centralized security monitoring, enhanced threat detection, and improved incident response.