Understanding DMARC Policy Levels

Table of Contents

DMARC policies define how email receivers should handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM authentication. These policies are crucial for protecting your domain from spoofing and phishing attacks, ensuring only legitimate emails reach your recipients.

DMARC Policy Levels

DMARC policies are expressed using the p tag within the DMARC record. There are three primary policy levels:

  • p=none: This is the default policy and indicates that email receivers should take no action when an email fails SPF or DKIM checks. This allows you to monitor your domain's email traffic and identify potential issues without impacting email delivery.
  • p=quarantine: This policy instructs email receivers to quarantine emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This means the email will be delivered, but it will be marked as suspicious and placed in the recipient's spam folder or junk mail folder.
  • p=reject: This is the most stringent policy, instructing email receivers to outright reject emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This prevents unauthorized emails from reaching recipients, effectively blocking spoofing and phishing attempts.

Choosing the Right Policy Level

The appropriate DMARC policy level for your organization depends on your specific security needs and risk tolerance. Here's a breakdown of factors to consider:

  • Email volume and importance: If you send a large volume of critical emails, such as transactional or marketing messages, you might prefer a stricter policy like p=quarantine or p=reject to minimize the risk of legitimate emails ending up in spam folders.
  • Impact on legitimate senders: A strict policy can impact legitimate senders, such as third-party providers or partners, who may not be able to fully comply with SPF or DKIM requirements. Carefully evaluate the potential impact on your email ecosystem before implementing a strict policy.
  • Business continuity: While p=reject offers the highest level of protection, it can also lead to service disruptions if legitimate emails are rejected due to configuration issues. Consider the potential impact on your business operations before implementing a strict policy.

Gradual Policy Implementation

It's generally recommended to start with a p=none policy to monitor email traffic and identify any potential issues. Once you've gained a better understanding of your email ecosystem, you can gradually increase the policy level to p=quarantine and then p=reject as needed.

Importance of Policy Monitoring

No matter which DMARC policy you choose, it's crucial to monitor its effectiveness and address any potential issues. Regularly review your DMARC reports to identify patterns in email failures and take corrective actions. This includes resolving SPF and DKIM misconfigurations, updating your DMARC policy, and addressing any unauthorized sending activities.

Understanding DMARC Policy Levels - Summary

DMARC policies are essential for email security, and choosing the right policy level is critical for protecting your domain and your recipients. Start with p=none to monitor traffic, then gradually increase the level as needed. Regularly review your DMARC reports to ensure effective policy enforcement.

Next Steps: DMARC Delegation and Third-Party Senders

Now that you understand the basics of DMARC policies, let's explore how to delegate DMARC authority to third-party senders and manage emails from external sources. DMARC Delegation and Third-Party Senders will guide you through the process of configuring your DMARC policy to effectively manage email authentication for these scenarios.

Implementing DMARC Policy Levels: p=none, p=quarantine, and p=reject

Now that you understand the different levels of DMARC policy, it's time to dive into how you actually implement them. You'll be using three primary policy levels:

  • p=none: This is the default policy level and means DMARC will only monitor incoming emails without taking any action. This is a good starting point for organizations new to DMARC, as it allows you to gather data about your sending domains and see which messages are being sent without your authorization.
  • p=quarantine: This policy level instructs receiving email servers to quarantine emails that fail DMARC checks. This means the emails won't be delivered to the recipient's inbox, but instead sent to their spam or junk folder. This is a good next step for organizations that are confident in their SPF and DKIM configurations and want to start protecting their brand reputation from spoofing.
  • p=reject: This is the most aggressive policy level and tells receiving email servers to reject emails that fail DMARC checks completely. This is the best option for organizations that are very concerned about brand protection and want to ensure that only legitimate emails from their domains are delivered to recipients.

Choosing the Right Policy Level

The best DMARC policy level for your organization will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • Your risk tolerance: How important is it for you to prevent email spoofing and phishing attacks?
  • Your email sending infrastructure: How confident are you in your SPF and DKIM configurations?
  • Your user base: How likely are your users to be comfortable with emails being quarantined or rejected?

Gradual Implementation

It's important to implement DMARC policy levels gradually, starting with p=none and then moving to p=quarantine or p=reject as you gain confidence in your SPF and DKIM configurations. This will give you time to identify and resolve any issues with your email sending infrastructure and avoid disrupting your legitimate email communication.

Regular Monitoring

Once you've implemented a DMARC policy, it's important to monitor it regularly to ensure that it's working as expected and to identify any potential problems. You can use DMARC reporting tools to track the results of DMARC checks and identify any unauthorized sending domains.

Example DMARC Records

Here are some example DMARC records for each policy level:

  • p=none: _dmarc.example.com. TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:forensics@example.com; fo=1; sp=none; adkim=r; aspf=r; pct=100;"
  • p=quarantine: _dmarc.example.com. TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:forensics@example.com; fo=1; sp=quarantine; adkim=r; aspf=r; pct=100;"
  • p=reject: _dmarc.example.com. TXT "v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:forensics@example.com; fo=1; sp=reject; adkim=r; aspf=r; pct=100;"

These examples demonstrate the basic structure of a DMARC record and how to implement the different policy levels. Remember to adjust the values to match your specific requirements and domain.

Understanding DMARC Delegation and Third-Party Senders

Now that you've learned about DMARC policy levels, let's dive into how DMARC delegation works and how to handle email from third-party senders. DMARC Delegation and Third-Party Senders will explain how to manage email sent on your behalf by external services or partners.

Best Practices for Policy Configuration

Now that you understand the different DMARC policy levels, let's dive into best practices for configuring your policy effectively. Remember, the goal is to protect your brand and your users from phishing and spoofing attempts while ensuring legitimate emails reach your intended recipients.

Start with p=none

The most recommended approach is to begin with a p=none policy. This allows you to gather valuable data about your sending domains and identify potential issues without impacting email delivery. During this phase, you can analyze your DMARC reports to understand your email ecosystem and identify any misconfigurations or unauthorized senders.

Monitor and Analyze DMARC Reports

Regularly reviewing your DMARC reports is crucial. They provide valuable insights into your email traffic and help you understand how your DMARC policy is working.

Key Metrics to Monitor:

  • Alignment: This metric shows the percentage of emails that successfully align with your SPF and DKIM policies. Strive for a high alignment percentage, ideally above 95%. A lower alignment percentage might indicate issues with your SPF or DKIM configurations, or unauthorized senders using your domain.
  • Policy Violations: This metric indicates the number of emails that violate your DMARC policy. Analyze the reasons for the violations to identify potential issues. For example, you may find emails being sent from unauthorized domains, or misconfigurations in your SPF or DKIM records.
  • Quarantine Rate: This metric tells you the percentage of emails that are being quarantined by receiving mail servers. If this rate is high, it indicates that your policy is catching many potential spoofing attempts, which is a positive sign.
  • Reject Rate: This metric reflects the percentage of emails being outright rejected by receiving mail servers. A high reject rate suggests that your policy is effectively blocking most spoofed emails, but you should also monitor this closely to ensure legitimate emails aren't getting rejected.

Gradual Policy Enforcement

Once you've gained a solid understanding of your email ecosystem and have addressed any initial misconfigurations, you can gradually move towards more stringent policy enforcement. Consider implementing p=quarantine for a period of time to observe the impact on email delivery. This policy instructs receiving email servers to quarantine suspicious emails instead of delivering them to the recipient's inbox. During this phase, you can monitor your reports and address any concerns related to false positives or legitimate emails being quarantined.

Implementing p=reject

Once you are confident in your SPF and DKIM configurations and have a low quarantine rate, you can consider implementing p=reject. This policy tells receiving email servers to reject any emails that fail to align with your DMARC policy. While it's the most robust policy, it's also the most aggressive. If you have a lot of third-party senders, such as marketing partners or email service providers, you may need to work closely with them to ensure they are properly aligned with your DMARC policy.

Consistent Policy Implementation

For maximum effectiveness, it's crucial to ensure that your DMARC policy is consistently implemented across all sending domains. This includes any domains used by your organization, as well as any third-party senders.

[INSERT_IMAGE - Illustration showing different mail servers sending emails from a company domain and third-party services, all aligning with the same DMARC policy]


DMARC relies heavily on SPF and DKIM for successful implementation. As a reminder, SPF authenticates the sender's email server, while DKIM verifies that the email content hasn't been tampered with. It's essential to ensure that both SPF and DKIM are properly configured and aligned with your DMARC policy.

You can learn more about SPF and DKIM in our section on SPF and DKIM.

Regular Review and Maintenance

DMARC policies shouldn't be set and forgotten. Regularly review your reports, make adjustments as needed, and stay informed about best practices and evolving threats. The digital landscape is constantly changing, and your DMARC strategy should evolve alongside it.

Understanding DMARC Delegation and Third-Party Senders

Implementing DMARC can be a bit more complex if you utilize multiple email platforms, have third-party services sending emails on your behalf, or have a complex email infrastructure. In the next section, we'll explore how to effectively manage DMARC in these situations, delving into the concepts of DMARC delegation and how to ensure secure email delivery from third-party senders.

Troubleshooting DMARC Policy Issues

While setting up and implementing a DMARC policy can significantly improve your email security, there are times when you might encounter issues. Understanding common DMARC policy problems and how to resolve them is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your email authentication strategy.

1. DMARC Alignment Issues

One of the most common DMARC troubleshooting issues is alignment problems between SPF and DKIM. Remember, DMARC relies on SPF and DKIM for its authentication checks. If these two mechanisms are not properly aligned, your DMARC policy may fail to protect your email.

Here's how to identify and fix alignment issues:

  • Check for conflicts: Your SPF and DKIM records should not contradict each other. For example, if your SPF record allows emails to be sent from a certain IP address, your DKIM record shouldn't indicate otherwise. Make sure they both have the same source of sending emails.
  • Review DKIM selector: The DKIM selector is a unique identifier used to distinguish different DKIM signatures. Ensure that the selector used in your DKIM record is the same as the one specified in your DMARC policy.
  • Verify SPF and DKIM records: Use online tools to validate your SPF and DKIM records. There are several free tools available, such as MX Toolbox or DMARC Analyzer, that can help you quickly and easily verify these records.

2. Policy Misconfiguration

A simple typo in your DMARC policy can lead to unintended consequences. These errors can prevent your policy from working as intended.

Common misconfigurations:

  • Incorrect syntax: The DMARC record syntax must be accurate. Consult the DMARC specification for the correct format.
  • Incorrect policy level: Setting a policy level that is too aggressive too early can lead to email delivery issues. Start with a p=none policy to monitor your email traffic before moving to p=quarantine or p=reject. See more about DMARC policy levels.
  • Missing or incorrect selectors: Double-check that your selectors are accurate and match the selectors used in your SPF and DKIM records.

3. DNS Issues

Sometimes, DNS problems can hinder the proper functioning of DMARC. This could be due to incorrect DNS record configuration, caching issues, or DNS server downtime.

How to troubleshoot DNS issues:

  • Verify DNS record propagation: Use online tools to check if your DMARC, SPF, and DKIM records are correctly propagated across all your DNS servers. Make sure all DNS servers are updated with the same records.
  • Check for DNS errors: Use a DNS checker tool to identify potential errors in your DNS configuration.
  • Clear DNS cache: Clear your browser's DNS cache to ensure you are not accessing outdated information.

4. DMARC Reporting Issues

DMARC reports provide valuable insights into your email authentication performance. If you're not receiving reports or if the reports are incomplete, troubleshoot the following:

  • Verify your reporting contact email: The email address specified in your DMARC record must be valid. Double-check the address and make sure it's configured correctly.
  • Check for email filtering: Check your email provider's spam filters or other security settings to make sure DMARC reports are not being blocked.
  • Ensure report frequency: The rf tag in your DMARC record determines how frequently you receive reports. If you're not receiving reports as often as you expect, adjust the rf tag accordingly.

5. Third-Party Sender Issues

If you utilize third-party email senders, make sure they are properly configured to align with your DMARC policy.

  • Coordinate with third-party senders: Communicate your DMARC policy and requirements to all third-party email senders. Ensure that they implement SPF and DKIM records that comply with your DMARC policy.
  • Monitor third-party sender reports: Regularly review DMARC reports to identify any issues related to third-party senders.


Troubleshooting DMARC policy issues can be challenging, but by understanding common problems and following these best practices, you can effectively troubleshoot and optimize your DMARC implementation. Remember that a robust DMARC policy is a crucial element of email security. By taking the time to set it up correctly and address any issues promptly, you can protect your brand reputation and enhance your email deliverability.

Learn more about DMARC delegation and third-party senders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are DMARC policy levels and how do they affect email delivery?

DMARC policy levels dictate how email receivers handle emails failing SPF or DKIM authentication. They range from 'none' (no action) to 'quarantine' (spam folder) to 'reject' (completely blocked). Choosing the right level depends on your security needs and risk tolerance.

Starting with 'p=none' allows you to monitor your email traffic and identify potential issues without affecting email delivery. This lets you analyze your email ecosystem and address any misconfigurations before implementing stricter policies.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a DMARC policy level?

Factors include your risk tolerance for spoofing attacks, your confidence in SPF/DKIM configurations, and the potential impact on legitimate senders and your user base's email experience.

How does DMARC work with SPF and DKIM?

DMARC relies on SPF and DKIM for successful implementation. SPF authenticates the sending server, while DKIM verifies the email content hasn't been tampered with. Both must be properly configured and aligned with your DMARC policy for effective email authentication.

How do I monitor the effectiveness of my DMARC policy?

Regularly review your DMARC reports to understand the alignment of your SPF and DKIM policies, identify any policy violations, and see how many emails are being quarantined or rejected. This data helps you evaluate your policy's impact and make adjustments as needed.

What if I encounter issues with my DMARC policy? How do I troubleshoot them?

Troubleshooting includes checking for misconfigurations in your DMARC record or SPF/DKIM records, verifying DNS record propagation, and ensuring that your reporting contact email is correct. You may also need to coordinate with third-party senders to align their configurations with your DMARC policy.