Parsing DMARC XML and JSON Reports

Table of Contents

DMARC reports, whether in XML or JSON format, contain a wealth of information about your email sending practices and how your domain's reputation is perceived by receiving mail servers. Parsing these reports is crucial for analyzing your email security posture and identifying areas for improvement. This section delves into the intricacies of parsing DMARC reports, covering data extraction, analysis, and visualization.

Understanding DMARC Report Structure

Before diving into parsing techniques, it's important to understand the structure of DMARC reports. Both XML and JSON reports follow a standardized format, adhering to the DMARC specification. This ensures consistency and facilitates automated processing.

DMARC XML Report Structure

DMARC XML reports are structured as follows:

  • Report Metadata: Contains general information about the report, including the reporting domain, reporting time, and the reporting organization. This metadata provides context for interpreting the report data.
  • Record: Each record represents a specific email message that was subject to DMARC policy evaluation. Each record contains detailed information about the message, including the sender, recipient, and the DMARC policy applied.
  • Policy Published: Represents the DMARC policy published by the domain owner, including alignment requirements and enforcement levels. This section details the domain's stance on email authentication and the consequences of failing to meet these standards.
  • Policy Evaluated: Details the DMARC policy applied to the specific email message, including the alignment status and any actions taken. This section highlights whether the message met the published DMARC policy and the outcome.

DMARC JSON Report Structure

DMARC JSON reports are structured in a similar manner to XML reports, but use JSON syntax for data representation. The key elements remain the same:

  • report_metadata: This section contains general information about the report, similar to the metadata in the XML report.
  • record: Each record represents an individual email message and includes details about the sender, recipient, and the DMARC policy applied. This section mirrors the record structure in the XML format.
  • policy_published: This section details the published DMARC policy, including alignment requirements and enforcement levels, analogous to the policy published section in the XML report.
  • policy_evaluated: This section describes the DMARC policy applied to the specific message, including the alignment status and any actions taken, mirroring the policy_evaluated section in the XML report.

Parsing DMARC Reports: Techniques and Tools

Parsing DMARC reports involves extracting valuable data from these reports and transforming it into a more readable and actionable format. Several techniques and tools can be employed for this purpose:

1. Manual Parsing

While manual parsing is feasible for smaller reports, it becomes cumbersome and error-prone as the volume of reports grows. This method involves manually inspecting the report data and extracting relevant information. While this approach is straightforward, it's not recommended for large-scale analysis and can be time-consuming.

2. Regular Expressions (Regex)

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to extract data from structured text like DMARC reports. This approach utilizes specific patterns to identify and extract relevant information. Regex-based parsing offers flexibility and allows for customized data extraction rules. However, writing and maintaining complex regular expressions can be challenging, particularly for novice users.

3. Libraries and APIs

Numerous libraries and APIs are available for parsing DMARC reports in various programming languages. These tools offer pre-built functionality and simplify the parsing process. For example, Python's xml.etree.ElementTree library provides a straightforward way to parse XML reports, while libraries like json facilitate parsing JSON reports. Using libraries or APIs streamlines the process, reduces development time, and ensures consistency in parsing.

4. DMARC Report Parsers

Several specialized DMARC report parsers are available, both free and commercial. These tools provide a user-friendly interface for uploading DMARC reports, parsing the data, and generating insightful reports. Some popular DMARC report parsers include:

  • DMARC Analyzer - Offers comprehensive reporting, including alignment analysis, policy evaluation, and historical data visualization.
    • Provides a user-friendly interface for uploading reports and generating summaries, as well as detailed insights into alignment status and policy enforcement.
    • Offers a range of tools for DMARC configuration, policy analysis, and report parsing, including the ability to visualize reports and analyze trends.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Once you've parsed DMARC reports, the next step is to analyze the data and visualize it for meaningful insights. This process helps you understand your email security posture, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your DMARC policies.

Data Analysis

Data analysis involves examining the parsed report data to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Alignment Status: Analyze the alignment status of email messages. Are your email servers correctly aligned with your DMARC policy? Identifying misalignment can help you diagnose configuration issues and improve your email security posture.
  • Enforcement Levels: Evaluate the effectiveness of your DMARC enforcement levels. Are you using the appropriate enforcement level for your organization? Analyzing enforcement data can help you optimize your DMARC policy and minimize spam and phishing attacks.
  • Reporting Domain: Identify the domains that are generating DMARC reports. This helps you understand which domains are sending emails on your behalf and the volume of email traffic.
  • Recipient Domains: Analyze the recipient domains to understand the distribution of your emails. Identifying the domains that receive your emails can help you target your email campaigns and optimize your deliverability.
  • Policy Violations: Identify any policy violations, such as emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. Investigating these violations can help you address misconfigurations and improve your email security.

Data Visualization

Data visualization plays a crucial role in understanding and communicating DMARC report findings. Creating charts, graphs, and dashboards helps you visualize complex data, identify patterns, and present insights in an easily digestible format. Here are some visualization techniques to consider:

  • Line Graphs: Track the alignment status and enforcement levels over time. This provides a visual representation of your DMARC policy's effectiveness.
  • Pie Charts: Visualize the percentage of email messages that meet or fail your DMARC policy. This helps you understand the overall health of your email infrastructure.
  • Bar Charts: Compare alignment and enforcement statistics across different time periods or domains. This allows you to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Heat Maps: Represent the alignment status and enforcement levels across different recipient domains. This provides a visual representation of your email deliverability across various regions.

Transition to Next Section: DMARC API Integration

Understanding how to parse DMARC reports is essential for extracting meaningful data and analyzing your email security posture. The next section, DMARC API Integration, focuses on integrating DMARC report parsing with automated processes. This integration allows you to automate the parsing, analysis, and visualization of DMARC reports, streamlining your email security management and enabling you to leverage DMARC data for more proactive email security measures.

Extracting Key Data Points from Reports

Understanding the data contained within DMARC reports is crucial for effectively implementing and managing your email security strategy. These reports provide valuable insights into your email sending practices and the effectiveness of your SPF and DKIM configurations. Extracting key data points from these reports allows you to identify potential vulnerabilities, monitor email authentication trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve your email security posture.

Understanding the Structure of DMARC Reports

DMARC reports are typically delivered in either XML or JSON formats, both containing essential data points regarding your domain's email authentication. The specific structure of the reports may vary slightly, but they generally include information about:

  • Report Metadata: Details about the report itself, such as the reporting domain, report date, and report format.
  • Policy Evaluation: Information about the DMARC policy in place, including the enforcement level (p=none, p=quarantine, p=reject) and the alignment with SPF and DKIM.
  • Aggregate Data: Summary statistics about email authentication results, including the number of emails that passed or failed SPF and DKIM checks, the number of emails that were quarantined or rejected, and the number of emails that were considered suspicious.
  • Individual Message Results: Detailed information about each email message that was evaluated, including the sender's email address, the receiving domain, the SPF and DKIM authentication results, and the reason for any failures.

Common Data Points to Extract

Here's a breakdown of some essential data points you should focus on extracting from DMARC reports:

  1. Domain Alignment: This indicates whether the sending domain has a valid SPF record and DKIM signature, and if they align with the DMARC policy. Monitoring domain alignment helps you identify potential configuration errors or mismatches that could lead to email authentication failures.

  2. Authentication Results: Analyze the number of emails that pass or fail SPF and DKIM checks. This data helps you understand the overall health of your email authentication system and identify potential areas for improvement.

  3. Quarantine and Rejection Rates: Track the number of emails that were quarantined or rejected due to failed authentication. This data reveals the effectiveness of your DMARC policy and allows you to assess the impact of your email security measures.

  4. Suspicious Email Activity: Pay attention to reports that identify emails flagged as suspicious. These could be indicators of potential spoofing attempts or other malicious activity. Investigate these reports further to understand the root cause and take appropriate action to mitigate future attacks.

  5. Sender Reputation: Analyze the reports to assess the reputation of your domain among email service providers (ESPs). High rejection or quarantine rates can negatively impact your domain's reputation, leading to decreased email deliverability. Monitor these metrics closely and address any issues promptly.

Tools and Techniques for Extracting Data

Numerous tools and techniques can be used to extract data from DMARC reports. Here are a few popular options:

  • Manual Parsing: This involves manually examining the XML or JSON reports and extracting the desired data points. While this approach can be effective for small-scale analysis, it can be time-consuming and prone to errors for large data sets.
  • Regular Expressions: You can use regular expressions to identify and extract specific data patterns from the reports. This method offers more flexibility than manual parsing but requires a good understanding of regular expressions.
  • Parsing Libraries and APIs: Many programming languages offer libraries and APIs specifically designed for parsing DMARC reports. These tools streamline the process, making data extraction easier and more efficient.
  • Dedicated DMARC Reporting Tools: Several third-party tools are specifically designed for analyzing DMARC reports. These tools provide intuitive interfaces, automated data extraction, and powerful visualization features to help you understand your DMARC data.

Visualizing Your DMARC Data

Visualizing your DMARC data is crucial for making it easily understandable and actionable. Here are a few ways to effectively visualize DMARC reports:

  • Time Series Graphs: Track the number of emails that pass or fail SPF and DKIM checks over time. This helps you identify trends and potential issues. [INSERT_IMAGE - Time series graph showing email authentication results over time]
  • Pie Charts: Use pie charts to visualize the percentage of emails that pass or fail authentication, or the breakdown of quarantine and rejection rates. [INSERT_IMAGE - Pie chart showing the distribution of authentication results]
  • Heat Maps: Create heat maps to visualize the geographical distribution of email authentication results. This can help you identify areas where your domain's reputation may be compromised.
  • Dashboards: Use dashboards to aggregate various DMARC data points into a single view. This provides a comprehensive overview of your email security posture and allows you to track key metrics over time.

Integrating DMARC Data with Other Security Tools

Integrating your DMARC data with other security tools can enhance your email security posture and improve your overall risk management strategy. For example, you can integrate DMARC data with:

  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems: This allows you to correlate DMARC data with other security events, providing a holistic view of your security landscape.
  • Threat Intelligence Platforms: Use DMARC data to enrich your threat intelligence feeds, helping you identify and mitigate emerging email-borne threats.
  • Email Security Gateways: Integrate DMARC data with your email security gateways to improve spam filtering and block suspicious emails more effectively.

By taking advantage of these integrations, you can leverage your DMARC data to enhance your overall email security posture and protect your organization from malicious attacks.

Next Steps: DMARC API Integration

Understanding how to extract key data from DMARC reports is essential for effective email security. But to truly automate your DMARC management, consider integrating DMARC data directly with your existing systems. DMARC API Integration explores how to leverage APIs to streamline your DMARC data analysis and reporting.

Building Custom DMARC Dashboards

Custom DMARC dashboards can be immensely valuable for visualizing and analyzing your email authentication data. They provide a clear and concise picture of your email security posture, helping you make informed decisions about your DMARC policy and identify potential threats.

Here's a breakdown of the benefits of custom DMARC dashboards:

  • Real-time monitoring: Stay on top of your email security by monitoring your DMARC data in real-time. Track changes in your alignment rates, the volume of suspicious emails, and other critical metrics. This allows you to quickly identify and respond to any issues.
  • Customized views: Tailor dashboards to your specific needs and preferences. Focus on the metrics that are most relevant to your organization and industry. For example, you might create dashboards that highlight the percentage of emails that pass DMARC, the number of fraudulent emails blocked, or the volume of emails sent from unauthenticated domains.
  • Detailed analysis: Go beyond basic metrics and delve into the specifics of your email authentication data. Analyze trends over time, identify patterns, and discover insights that can help you improve your email security. For instance, you could track how your DMARC policy changes affect your alignment rates and the overall effectiveness of your email security.
  • Improved decision-making: With a clear understanding of your DMARC data, you can make more informed decisions about your email security strategy. You can adjust your DMARC policy, identify areas for improvement, and implement best practices to strengthen your email authentication and protect your brand reputation.

Building Your Custom DMARC Dashboard

Here's a step-by-step guide to building a custom DMARC dashboard:

  1. Choose Your Data Source:

    • DMARC Reporting Service: Leverage a dedicated DMARC reporting service like DMARC Analyzer or DMARC Monitor. These services offer pre-built dashboards with various reporting options, making it easier to visualize your data.
    • Parse DMARC Reports Directly: If you prefer greater control over your data, you can parse DMARC reports yourself. This involves extracting data from XML or JSON reports and then processing it for visualization. You can use programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript, and consider libraries like xml.etree.ElementTree (Python) or xml2js (Node.js) for XML parsing, and json (Python) or JSON.parse (JavaScript) for JSON parsing.
  2. Select Your Visualization Tool:

    • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools: Consider platforms like Tableau, Power BI, or Looker for sophisticated data visualization and analysis. They provide powerful features for creating interactive dashboards and reports.
    • Data Visualization Libraries: Explore libraries like matplotlib or seaborn (Python) for creating static and interactive visualizations. You can embed these visualizations into your custom dashboard.
  3. Choose Your Metrics:

    • Alignment Rates: Track the percentage of emails that pass DMARC authentication based on SPF and DKIM alignment. This metric reflects the effectiveness of your DMARC policy.
    • Quarantine Rates: Analyze the number of emails that are quarantined due to DMARC failures. This indicates potential phishing or spoofing attempts that your DMARC policy is blocking.
    • Reject Rates: Monitor the number of emails that are outright rejected due to DMARC failures. This shows the effectiveness of your DMARC policy in preventing fraudulent emails from reaching inboxes.
    • Source Domains: Identify the domains sending emails on your behalf. Analyze the alignment rates for each source domain to understand their impact on your DMARC policy.
    • Email Volume: Track the total volume of emails sent and received, providing an overview of your email activity.
  4. Design Your Dashboard:

    • Clear Layout: Organize your metrics and visualizations logically to ensure easy understanding and navigation. Use clear headings, subheadings, and labels to guide users through the dashboard.
    • Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like filters, drill-downs, and data selection tools to allow users to explore the data further and gain deeper insights.
    • Visual Appeal: Use visually appealing charts, graphs, and infographics to present your data effectively. Choose colors and styles that are consistent with your brand and make the dashboard visually engaging.
  5. Implement and Monitor:

    • Set up Data Sources: Configure your chosen data source to feed your DMARC data into the dashboard.
    • Test and Validate: Thoroughly test your dashboard to ensure accuracy and functionality. Validate the data against your DMARC reports and ensure that visualizations accurately reflect the metrics.
    • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your dashboard to identify trends, anomalies, and potential security issues. Update your DMARC policy and make necessary adjustments based on the insights you gain.

Benefits of Custom DMARC Dashboards

  • Improved Email Security: You can quickly detect and respond to email threats by monitoring your DMARC data in real-time.
  • Enhanced Brand Protection: Protect your brand reputation by reducing the number of fraudulent emails sent in your name.
  • Reduced Costs: By effectively managing your DMARC policy, you can minimize the costs associated with email fraud and spam.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: DMARC is becoming increasingly important for compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Improved User Experience: By reducing spam and phishing emails, you can create a better user experience for your customers and clients.

Example DMARC Dashboard

[INSERT_IMAGE - A dashboard with various metrics like alignment rates, quarantine rates, reject rates, source domains, and email volume visualized through interactive charts and graphs.]

Next Steps: DMARC API Integration

Building a custom DMARC dashboard provides a great foundation for managing your email security. However, you can further enhance your email security strategy by integrating your DMARC data with your existing applications and workflows. In the next section, we'll discuss how to use DMARC APIs to automate tasks, integrate with security tools, and gain even greater control over your email authentication process. DMARC API Integration

Automating Reporting and Analysis Workflows

Manually analyzing DMARC reports can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially for organizations with a high volume of email traffic. Automating reporting and analysis workflows simplifies the process and allows you to focus on taking action based on the data. This is crucial for efficiently monitoring your email security posture and making informed decisions about your DMARC policy.

Here are some key benefits of automating your DMARC reporting and analysis workflows:

  • Efficiency: Automating the process saves you time and effort, freeing up valuable resources that can be allocated to other tasks.
  • Scalability: As your email volume grows, automated workflows can handle the increased data load, ensuring efficient analysis and reporting.
  • Accuracy: Automating reduces the risk of human error, leading to more reliable and accurate reporting.
  • Real-time monitoring: Automated workflows can provide real-time insights into your DMARC data, allowing you to respond quickly to potential threats.
  • Improved decision-making: Automated reporting provides comprehensive and up-to-date data, empowering you to make better decisions about your DMARC policy and overall email security strategy.

Common Automation Techniques

Several techniques can be used to automate DMARC reporting and analysis workflows. Here are a few popular options:

  • Scripting: Languages like Python and Bash are commonly used to automate DMARC report parsing and analysis. You can write scripts to extract data from DMARC reports, perform analysis, and generate reports or visualizations.
  • Cloud services: Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud provide tools and services that can automate DMARC reporting and analysis. These platforms offer pre-built solutions for data ingestion, storage, processing, and visualization, simplifying the automation process.
  • Dedicated DMARC analysis tools: Several specialized DMARC analysis tools are available that provide pre-configured workflows for automating report parsing, data analysis, and visualization. These tools often offer user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive reporting features, making them ideal for organizations of all sizes.

Choosing the Right Automation Approach

The best approach for automating DMARC reporting and analysis depends on factors like your technical expertise, budget, and the complexity of your needs. Here are some considerations:

  • Technical expertise: If you have strong scripting skills, you can build custom automation solutions using languages like Python or Bash. However, if you lack technical expertise, consider using cloud services or dedicated DMARC analysis tools.
  • Budget: Cloud services and dedicated tools often come with subscription fees, while scripting solutions may require minimal or no cost.
  • Complexity: For simple analysis needs, scripting or cloud services may be sufficient. However, if you require advanced analysis and reporting features, a dedicated DMARC analysis tool may be a better choice.

Building a Custom DMARC Parser

If you decide to build a custom DMARC parser, you can leverage scripting languages like Python to handle data extraction and analysis. Here's a basic example of how to use Python to parse a DMARC report in XML format:

Integrating Custom DMARC Parsers with SIEM Tools

Integrating your custom DMARC parser with your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools can significantly enhance your email security posture by providing real-time visibility into email authentication events and potential threats. By leveraging the power of SIEM, you can correlate DMARC data with other security logs and events, enabling you to detect anomalies, identify potential phishing attacks, and respond swiftly to incidents.

Benefits of Integrating DMARC Parsers with SIEM

Integrating your custom DMARC parser with your SIEM offers several benefits, including:

  • Centralized Security Monitoring: SIEM tools provide a central platform for collecting, analyzing, and correlating security data from various sources, including your DMARC parser. This enables you to get a comprehensive view of your email security landscape.
  • Improved Threat Detection: By combining DMARC data with other security logs, SIEM can identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate potential threats, such as phishing attacks or spoofed emails. This can help you proactively detect and mitigate threats before they impact your organization.
  • Enhanced Incident Response: When a security incident occurs, SIEM can help you quickly identify the root cause by analyzing DMARC data along with other relevant logs. This allows for faster and more effective incident response, minimizing the impact of potential threats.
  • Automated Threat Intelligence: By integrating DMARC data with other threat intelligence feeds, SIEM can provide you with real-time insights into emerging threats and vulnerabilities. This allows you to stay ahead of the curve and proactively protect your organization from evolving threats.

Implementing Integration

Implementing the integration of a custom DMARC parser with your SIEM involves several steps:

  1. Choose Your SIEM and DMARC Parser: Select a SIEM solution that aligns with your organization's needs and a custom DMARC parser that can effectively extract and format data for integration. Consider factors such as scalability, flexibility, and integration capabilities.
  2. Configure the Data Flow: Determine the data points you want to extract from your DMARC reports and configure your parser to output this data in a format compatible with your SIEM. This may involve using specific event formats or protocols supported by your SIEM.
  3. Establish a Connection: Establish a secure connection between your DMARC parser and your SIEM, using methods like network protocols, APIs, or file transfer mechanisms. Ensure data integrity and security during data transfer.
  4. Normalize and Enrich Data: Once data is ingested into your SIEM, normalize it to align with your SIEM's data models. This may involve mapping data points to specific fields or attributes in your SIEM's database. You can also enrich the DMARC data with additional context from other security sources.
  5. Create Correlation Rules: Configure correlation rules in your SIEM to analyze DMARC data alongside other security events. These rules should be designed to detect suspicious activities or anomalies that might indicate malicious activity. For example, you could create rules that trigger alerts when a high number of DMARC failures are observed from a particular IP address, or when a sender's domain is blacklisted.
  6. Develop Incident Response Procedures: Develop clear incident response procedures that outline how to handle alerts and potential security incidents triggered by your integrated DMARC parser and SIEM. These procedures should include steps for investigating, analyzing, and remediating threats.

Example Use Case: Detecting Spoofed Emails

Imagine a scenario where your SIEM identifies a spike in DMARC failures from a specific IP address. By analyzing the DMARC data in conjunction with other security logs, you discover that emails originating from this IP address are spoofing your organization's domain. This could indicate a phishing attack or other malicious activity. Your SIEM can then generate alerts, isolate the suspicious IP address, and initiate appropriate security measures, such as blocking emails from the source or contacting the sender to investigate the issue.


Integrating your custom DMARC parser with your SIEM is a powerful way to strengthen your email security posture and improve your overall security posture. By combining DMARC data with other security logs, you gain valuable insights into email authentication events, identify potential threats, and respond quickly and effectively to incidents. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the risk of phishing attacks, brand impersonation, and other email-borne threats.

Ready to take your email security to the next level? Contact us to learn more about implementing a custom DMARC parser and integrating it with your SIEM. We can help you design and implement a solution that meets your specific needs and protects your organization from email-based threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of parsing DMARC reports?

Parsing DMARC reports allows you to extract valuable data about your email sending practices and the effectiveness of your email authentication configurations. This data can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities, monitor email authentication trends, and make informed decisions to improve your email security posture.

What are the key data points I should extract from DMARC reports?

Focus on extracting data points like domain alignment, authentication results (SPF and DKIM pass/fail rates), quarantine and rejection rates, suspicious email activity, and sender reputation. These metrics provide insights into your email security health and potential areas for improvement.

What are some common tools and techniques for extracting data from DMARC reports?

Common methods include manual parsing, regular expressions, dedicated parsing libraries and APIs, and specialized DMARC reporting tools. The best approach depends on your technical expertise, budget, and the complexity of your needs.

How can I visualize my DMARC data effectively?

Use visualization techniques like time series graphs, pie charts, heat maps, and dashboards to represent your DMARC data in an easily understandable and actionable format. These visualizations help you identify trends, patterns, and potential issues.

What are the benefits of automating DMARC reporting and analysis workflows?

Automating your DMARC workflows saves time and effort, improves scalability, reduces human error, enables real-time monitoring, and provides comprehensive data for better decision-making about your email security strategy.