DMARC Definition and Background

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DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that helps protect your domain from email spoofing and phishing attacks. It builds on the existing SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) protocols, providing an extra layer of security by giving you control over who is authorized to send email on your behalf.

Think of it this way: Imagine your email domain is your house. SPF is like the front door lock, allowing only authorized individuals to enter. DKIM is like the security system, verifying that the content inside is truly from you. DMARC acts as the central authority, making sure the person at the door is who they say they are and that the house's security system is working correctly.

DMARC does this by providing a mechanism for email receivers to check whether the sender's domain is authorized to send mail. If the email fails the DMARC check, the receiver can take actions such as rejecting the email, sending it to spam, or quarantining it.

Why is DMARC Important?

In today's digital landscape, email security is paramount. Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to trick users into divulging sensitive information. DMARC helps protect your users, your brand, and your reputation by:

  • Preventing Email Spoofing: DMARC prevents malicious actors from using your domain to send spam or phishing emails. This helps protect your brand reputation and prevents your users from being tricked into giving away sensitive information.

  • Improving Email Deliverability: By verifying the authenticity of emails, DMARC can help improve your email deliverability rates. Email service providers (ESPs) are more likely to trust emails that pass the DMARC check, reducing the risk of your emails being sent to spam.

  • Enhancing Brand Reputation: A strong DMARC implementation demonstrates your commitment to email security, building trust with your customers and partners.

  • Protecting Against Business Email Compromise (BEC): BEC attacks are a growing threat, where cybercriminals impersonate legitimate businesses or individuals to trick victims into sending money or sensitive information. DMARC helps protect your business from BEC by verifying the authenticity of emails sent from your domain.

DMARC's Impact on Email Security

According to a study by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), DMARC implementation has led to a significant decrease in phishing attacks. DMARC has also been credited with helping to reduce the number of spam emails received by users.

For example, a study by Agari found that organizations with DMARC policies in place saw a 70% reduction in phishing attacks. These findings highlight the importance of DMARC in protecting businesses and users from email-based threats.

Understanding DMARC Policies

DMARC policies are set by domain owners and dictate how email receivers should handle emails that fail the DMARC check. The policy has two key components:

  • p= (Policy) - This specifies the action to be taken on emails that fail DMARC authentication. There are three options:

    • none: The email receiver will not take any action.
    • quarantine: The email will be quarantined or sent to a spam folder.
    • reject: The email will be rejected outright.
  • sp= (Spf alignment) - This specifies whether the email should pass the SPF check. This setting is used to improve email deliverability and prevent spoofing.

Example DMARC Record:

DMARC Record Structure and Syntax

Understanding the structure and syntax of a DMARC record is essential for implementing this critical email authentication protocol effectively. The DMARC record is a text file that contains instructions for email receivers on how to handle messages that fail SPF and DKIM checks. It is published in the DNS (Domain Name System) and can be viewed using tools like DNS lookup services or online DMARC analyzers.

The DMARC record itself is a simple text string using the following syntax:

How DMARC Interacts with SPF and DKIM

DMARC, SPF, and DKIM work together to form a comprehensive email authentication ecosystem. While DMARC is the ultimate authority, it relies on SPF and DKIM to establish a strong foundation for email authentication. Let's break down how these protocols interact:

SPF: Verifying the Sending Server

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) acts as the first line of defense, validating the email sender's server. SPF records, which are DNS (Domain Name System) entries, specify the authorized servers that are permitted to send emails on behalf of a domain. When an email arrives at the recipient's server, it checks the SPF record associated with the sender's domain. If the sending server isn't listed in the SPF record, it's flagged as a potential spoofer, raising a red flag.

DKIM: Verifying the Email's Integrity

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) comes into play after SPF, focusing on the email's content. DKIM adds a digital signature to the email, ensuring that the email's content hasn't been tampered with during its journey from the sender to the recipient. This digital signature is verified by the receiving server using the DKIM record, which is also a DNS entry. If the signature doesn't match the expected value, it suggests that the email has been altered, indicating a potential spoofing attempt.

DMARC: The Final Authority

DMARC steps in to make sense of the information provided by SPF and DKIM. It analyzes the results of the SPF and DKIM checks and takes action based on the DMARC policy defined in the DMARC record. DMARC policies specify how the receiving server should handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. These policies can range from simply reporting the failures to rejecting the emails outright.

DMARC's policy enforcement capabilities are where its true power lies. By combining SPF and DKIM, DMARC creates a robust authentication system that can effectively combat email spoofing and protect your domain's reputation.

A Practical Example

Imagine you receive an email claiming to be from a well-known online retailer, offering a massive discount on a product you've been eyeing. However, the email seems a bit off. Let's see how DMARC, SPF, and DKIM would work together to identify and prevent this potential phishing attempt:

  1. SPF Check: The receiving server first checks the SPF record for the retailer's domain. If the email was sent from an unauthorized server, the SPF check would fail.
  2. DKIM Check: Next, the receiving server checks the DKIM signature. If the signature doesn't match the expected value, it suggests that the email's content has been altered.
  3. DMARC Decision: The DMARC policy defined by the retailer determines the next steps. If the DMARC policy is set to "reject", the email is immediately blocked, protecting you from a potential phishing attack.

By combining these three protocols, DMARC ensures that only legitimate emails from authorized servers and with authentic content reach your inbox, significantly reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing scams.

Understanding DMARC Policies: A Deeper Dive

As we've discussed, DMARC policies are the heart of the system, dictating how the receiving server should handle emails that fail SPF and DKIM checks. Let's delve into the two key components of DMARC policies: p and sp:

p Policy: Handling Misaligned Emails

The p policy defines the action to be taken when an email fails either the SPF or DKIM check. Here are the common p policy options:

  • none: This is the default option, where the receiving server simply reports the failure to the sender's DMARC reporting address. This is useful for monitoring email authentication issues without taking any immediate action.
  • quarantine: The receiving server will quarantine the email, usually placing it in a spam folder.
  • reject: The receiving server will reject the email outright, preventing it from reaching the recipient's inbox.

sp Policy: Handling Subdomain Misalignments

The sp policy specifies the actions to be taken for emails sent from subdomains of your primary domain. This is especially important in scenarios where you have multiple subdomains for different services or marketing campaigns. For example, if you have a subdomain for customer support emails ( and a separate subdomain for marketing emails (, you can set different sp policies for each subdomain based on your security requirements.

The sp policy options are similar to the p policy options, allowing you to control how emails from subdomains are handled.

Choosing the Right DMARC Policy

Selecting the right DMARC policy is crucial for optimizing your email security strategy. The optimal policy will depend on your specific needs and risk tolerance. Here's a simplified guide:

  • For beginners: Start with a "none" p policy to monitor email authentication issues and gain insights into your sending infrastructure. This allows you to identify potential problems and fix them before implementing stricter policies.
  • For increased security: Once you've gained confidence and addressed potential issues, consider upgrading to a "quarantine" p policy to protect recipients from potentially malicious emails.
  • For maximum security: Implement a "reject" p policy for the ultimate protection against spoofing attempts, ensuring that only authentic emails from authorized servers reach your recipients.

Remember, the best DMARC policy is the one that strikes the right balance between security and deliverability. A too-strict policy could lead to legitimate emails being blocked, impacting your email marketing campaigns and communication. A too-relaxed policy, on the other hand, could leave you vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attacks.

Moving Forward: Implementing DMARC

Now that you understand how DMARC interacts with SPF and DKIM and the significance of DMARC policies, it's time to take the next step and implement DMARC for your domain. Implementing DMARC: A Step-by-Step Guide provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement DMARC, covering the key steps from setting up DMARC records to monitoring reports.

By understanding the fundamental principles of DMARC and its interaction with SPF and DKIM, you can begin to strengthen your email security posture and protect your brand reputation in the digital age.

DMARC Policy Types: None, Quarantine, and Reject

Now that you understand the basics of DMARC, let's delve into the different policy types you can set to manage your email authentication. DMARC policies determine the actions to be taken when an email fails SPF and/or DKIM authentication. There are three primary DMARC policy types:

  • None: This is the default policy type. It indicates that you're monitoring your email traffic but aren't taking any action against unauthenticated emails. This is a good starting point for businesses new to DMARC, as it allows you to gather data and analyze your email ecosystem without immediately impacting email deliverability.

  • Quarantine: This policy instructs email providers to quarantine emails that fail SPF and/or DKIM checks. The email will not be delivered to the recipient's inbox immediately, but instead, it will be held in a quarantine folder. This can help mitigate the risk of malicious emails reaching their intended targets, giving recipients a chance to review suspicious messages before they are delivered.

  • Reject: This policy is the most aggressive and instructs email providers to reject emails that fail SPF and/or DKIM checks. Rejected emails are discarded altogether and never reach the recipient's inbox. This provides the strongest level of email security, effectively blocking any email that cannot be authenticated.

Understanding the Policy Types: A Visual Example

Let's illustrate these policy types with a simple scenario. Imagine you're sending an email from your company's domain, The email provider will perform SPF and DKIM checks before delivering the email.

  • None: The email provider will simply deliver the email to the recipient's inbox without taking any action, even if the email fails the authentication checks.
  • Quarantine: If the email fails authentication, the email provider will quarantine the email instead of delivering it to the recipient's inbox.
  • Reject: If the email fails authentication, the email provider will reject the email and it will never be delivered to the recipient.

Choosing the Right DMARC Policy

The choice of DMARC policy depends on your specific needs and risk tolerance. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Your email volume: If you send a high volume of emails, you may want to start with the none policy to ensure that you don't accidentally block legitimate emails.
  • Your sensitivity to email deliverability: If you are highly concerned about email deliverability, you may want to start with the quarantine policy to minimize the impact on your legitimate emails.
  • Your risk tolerance: If you have a low tolerance for spoofing and phishing attacks, you may want to start with the reject policy to provide the strongest level of security.

Important Note: It's generally recommended to start with the none policy and gradually transition to a more restrictive policy as you gain confidence in your email authentication setup. This allows you to monitor your email traffic and identify any potential issues before implementing a policy that could affect email deliverability.

Implementing DMARC Policies

To implement a DMARC policy, you need to create a DMARC record in your domain's DNS settings. The DMARC record will specify the desired policy type (none, quarantine, or reject) and other settings. Learn more about implementing DMARC


DMARC policies play a critical role in email security by defining the actions taken when email authentication fails. By understanding the different policy types – none, quarantine, and reject – and implementing the right policy for your needs, you can enhance your email security, protect your brand reputation, and improve email deliverability.

Ready to take your email security to the next level? Contact our team today for a free consultation and learn how we can help you implement DMARC and protect your organization from email-borne threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DMARC and how does it help protect my domain from email spoofing?

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that helps prevent malicious actors from using your domain to send spam or phishing emails. It works by verifying the authenticity of emails sent from your domain, ensuring that they come from authorized servers and haven't been tampered with.

How does DMARC work in relation to SPF and DKIM?

DMARC builds on existing email authentication protocols like SPF and DKIM. SPF verifies the sending server, DKIM checks the email's integrity, and DMARC acts as the final authority, analyzing the results and taking action based on your policy settings.

What are the different DMARC policy types and how do they affect email delivery?

There are three DMARC policy types: 'none,' 'quarantine,' and 'reject.' 'None' means no action is taken against unauthenticated emails, 'quarantine' sends unauthenticated emails to a spam folder, and 'reject' blocks them entirely. Choosing the right policy depends on your risk tolerance and email volume.

Why is it important to implement DMARC for my domain?

Implementing DMARC helps protect your brand reputation, improve email deliverability, and prevent phishing attacks. It demonstrates a commitment to email security, building trust with your customers and partners.

What are some benefits of using DMARC for my business?

DMARC can help prevent email spoofing, improve email deliverability, enhance your brand reputation, and protect your business from BEC attacks. It's a crucial step in securing your email communications and protecting your organization from email-based threats.

How can I get started with implementing DMARC for my domain?

You can start by creating a DMARC record in your DNS settings. This record will specify your DMARC policy and other settings. There are resources available to guide you through the process, including step-by-step guides and online tools.