Decoding DMARC Error Messages

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DMARC errors are a natural part of the journey to implementing a strong email authentication system. These errors often appear in your DMARC reports and provide valuable clues about why your emails are failing to meet the DMARC policy requirements. Understanding the meaning of these errors is crucial for troubleshooting and refining your DMARC configuration.

Common DMARC Error Messages

Here are some of the most common DMARC error messages and what they mean:

  • Policy Evaluation Failure: This indicates that the sending domain's email authentication mechanisms (SPF and DKIM) failed to meet the DMARC policy requirements. This could be due to misconfigured SPF records, invalid DKIM signatures, or a mismatch between the sender domain and the domain in the SPF or DKIM records.

  • Missing SPF Record: If a sending domain lacks an SPF record, it will trigger this error. SPF records are essential for verifying the sender's identity and preventing spoofing.

  • SPF Record Mismatch: When the sending domain's email authentication mechanisms (SPF or DKIM) fail to align with the DMARC policy, a mismatch error occurs. This signifies a discrepancy between the sender domain and the domain specified in the SPF or DKIM record. For example, if your DMARC record is set to p=reject for the domain, but your SPF record is set for, a mismatch error will occur.

  • Invalid SPF Record: An incorrect SPF record syntax or the presence of invalid elements within the record can cause this error. It's important to ensure that your SPF record adheres to the specified format and contains only legitimate elements. For a complete guide on SPF record configuration, see our guide on DMARC DNS Configuration.

  • Missing DKIM Record: Similar to the SPF record, the absence of a DKIM record for a sending domain will result in this error. DKIM signatures provide an additional layer of verification, ensuring that the email message was not tampered with during transmission.

  • Invalid DKIM Signature: A DKIM signature is considered invalid if it fails verification. This could happen due to problems with the signing process, incorrect key management, or a mismatch between the signature and the message content.

Understanding DMARC Error Codes

DMARC reports utilize a standardized set of error codes to communicate specific issues with email authentication. The most common error codes are:

  • sp=none: The sender domain has no SPF record configured.

  • sp=softfail: The SPF record failed validation, but the message is still allowed.

  • sp=fail: The SPF record failed validation, and the message is rejected.

  • dk=none: The sending domain has no DKIM record configured.

  • dk=softfail: The DKIM record failed validation, but the message is still allowed.

  • dk=fail: The DKIM record failed validation, and the message is rejected.

  • policy=none: The sender domain has no DMARC record configured.

  • policy=softfail: The DMARC policy has been evaluated, but no action is taken.

  • policy=fail: The DMARC policy has been evaluated, and the message is rejected.

Resolving DMARC Errors

Once you've identified the cause of a DMARC error, you can take appropriate steps to resolve it. Here's a step-by-step approach:

  1. Review your DMARC records: Ensure that your DMARC policy is correctly configured, including the alignment with your SPF and DKIM records. If you need guidance, review our comprehensive guide on DMARC DNS Configuration.

  2. Verify your SPF and DKIM records: Validate the accuracy and validity of your SPF and DKIM records. Double-check that the sending domain is correctly specified in each record. You can use online tools or DNS record lookup services for verification.

  3. Check for syntax errors: Carefully inspect your SPF and DKIM records for any syntax errors. Incorrect syntax can lead to validation failures.

  4. Analyze your email infrastructure: Examine your email sending infrastructure for potential issues that might contribute to DMARC errors. Check the configuration of your email server, email marketing platforms, or any other tools involved in sending your emails. For a better understanding of email sending processes, explore the section on DMARC Platforms.

  5. Monitor your DMARC reports: Regularly review your DMARC reports to track the effectiveness of your email authentication strategy and identify any recurring errors. These reports are valuable for identifying trends and pinpointing areas requiring further investigation. For an in-depth look at the significance of DMARC reports, delve into our dedicated section on DMARC Reports.

Best Practices for Avoiding DMARC Errors

Here are some best practices to minimize the risk of DMARC errors:

  • Start with a p=none policy: When first implementing DMARC, begin with a p=none policy to monitor and analyze your email traffic without immediate rejection. This will allow you to identify potential issues and adjust your email authentication configuration accordingly.

  • Implement gradual policy enforcement: As you gain confidence in your email authentication setup, gradually increase the severity of your DMARC policy from p=none to p=quarantine and ultimately p=reject.

  • Test your configurations: Before implementing any changes to your DMARC, SPF, or DKIM records, thoroughly test the new configuration in a staging environment or use a test email service.

  • Document your email authentication setup: Maintain detailed documentation of your DMARC, SPF, and DKIM configurations. This will facilitate troubleshooting and future updates.

Understanding DMARC error messages is a crucial step in achieving robust email authentication. By analyzing and addressing these errors effectively, you can prevent email spoofing, enhance email security, and improve deliverability rates. This is essential for maintaining a positive sender reputation and protecting your brand from email-based attacks.

DMARC Exceptions

While DMARC provides a strong foundation for email authentication, there are situations where you may need to allow certain emails to bypass the policy requirements. This is where DMARC exceptions come into play. This section explores the various types of DMARC exceptions and how to implement them effectively.

Troubleshooting Common DMARC Errors

DMARC errors, though frustrating, are a natural part of implementing email authentication. They occur when your DMARC policy clashes with your SPF and DKIM records. While frustrating, these errors provide valuable information about your email infrastructure and security. They guide you toward a more secure email environment by highlighting mismatches, misconfigurations, or vulnerabilities in your domain's email setup.

Understanding DMARC Errors: Decoding the Messages

DMARC errors are communicated through DMARC reports. These reports detail the outcomes of DMARC checks on your outgoing emails, indicating successful alignment with your policies or violations. Each error message carries a specific code that reveals the nature of the problem. Understanding these codes and their meanings is crucial for effective troubleshooting.

Common DMARC Error Messages:

  • DMARC.policy=none: This means your domain does not have a DMARC record set up. While this allows for a relaxed approach, it also means you lack any email authentication protection.

  • DMARC.policy=quarantine: This policy instructs email providers to quarantine emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. While this provides a level of protection, emails that should have passed might end up in spam folders, which can be inconvenient for your recipients.

  • DMARC.policy=reject: This is the most stringent policy, causing email providers to automatically reject emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This ensures a high level of email security but requires careful configuration to avoid legitimate emails being rejected.

  • This indicates that the sender's IP address does not match the authorized senders listed in your SPF record. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as using a third-party email provider or sending emails from a shared server.

  • This indicates that the DKIM signature has failed verification, potentially due to a misconfigured DKIM record or a compromised email server.

Resolving Common DMARC Errors

Troubleshooting DMARC errors involves careful analysis and a systematic approach. Here's a guide to common scenarios and how to fix them:

  1. Misconfigured SPF Records: Common causes include typos, missing entries, or conflicting permissions. Carefully review your SPF record for accuracy and ensure it aligns with your email sending practices.

  2. Misconfigured DKIM Records: Verify the DKIM signature key's validity, the selector, and the record's DNS configuration. Ensure the key is properly generated, the selector is unique, and the record is correctly published in your DNS zone.

  3. Outdated DNS Records: Ensure that all relevant SPF and DKIM records are up-to-date and properly published. Outdated records can lead to authentication failures.

  4. Third-Party Email Providers: If you are using a third-party email provider, ensure that their email servers comply with your DMARC policy and that their sending practices are aligned with your DMARC records.

Understanding DMARC Exceptions:

DMARC policies can be flexible. They can incorporate exceptions that allow certain emails to bypass the stringent policy requirements. For instance, you might want to exempt emails sent from your marketing automation platform or emails that are sent from your internal network. DMARC Exceptions

DMARC Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring your DMARC reports is essential. It provides valuable insights into the health of your email infrastructure. DMARC reports detail successful and failed authentication attempts, highlighting potential issues and guiding your troubleshooting efforts. DMARC Reports

Using DMARC Platforms:

DMARC platforms offer a comprehensive solution for managing your DMARC implementation. They simplify the configuration process, provide detailed reports, and streamline troubleshooting. DMARC Platforms

Next Steps: DMARC Alignment

Successfully troubleshooting DMARC errors involves aligning your SPF and DKIM records with your DMARC policy. This ensures that emails are authenticated correctly and that your DMARC policy is enforced effectively. DMARC Alignment This alignment is the foundation of a secure and efficient email infrastructure. Understanding and addressing DMARC errors is crucial for ensuring your email reaches its intended recipients and safeguarding your domain's reputation.

Best Practices for Error Prevention

DMARC errors are inevitable, but understanding the common culprits behind them can help you prevent these headaches from happening in the first place. Think of it like building a sturdy bridge: a strong foundation, carefully chosen materials, and meticulous planning minimize the chances of a collapse.

Here are some proactive steps to take to ensure your DMARC implementation goes smoothly:

1. Get Your SPF and DKIM Records Right:

The foundation of DMARC relies on SPF and DKIM, and if they're not properly configured, you'll run into trouble. [INSERT_IMAGE - Diagram of DMARC alignment with SPF and DKIM]

  • Double-check your SPF records: Make sure they are up-to-date, accurate, and include all authorized senders. Tools like can help you validate your records.
  • Ensure DKIM signatures are valid: Verify that you've correctly set up DKIM signatures for your domains, using tools like
  • Align SPF and DKIM with your sending infrastructure: Ensure that your DMARC policy aligns with your SPF and DKIM records. If your SPF record allows for sending from a particular server but DKIM is not set up for that server, you'll likely get errors.

2. Understand Your Sending Infrastructure:

The more you know about your email sending environment, the better equipped you'll be to prevent errors. Think of it like understanding the engine of your car: knowing its parts and how they work together helps you diagnose problems more effectively.

  • Identify all sending domains and servers: Map out where your emails are sent from, including servers, applications, and marketing tools. Consider using a tool like to identify potential issues.
  • Document your email authentication configurations: Maintain clear documentation of your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configurations. This helps you troubleshoot and track changes over time.
  • Understand your email authentication limitations: Be aware of any limitations or specific requirements imposed by your email service provider (ESP) or email authentication tools.

3. Test, Test, Test!

Just like pilots perform thorough pre-flight checks, thorough testing is essential for a successful DMARC implementation. It's your chance to identify and resolve potential issues before they impact your emails.

  • Use DMARC testing tools: Take advantage of tools like to simulate emails and preview DMARC reports. These tools help you identify errors before you go live.
  • Send test emails to various inboxes: Ensure that your emails are correctly authenticated and delivered as expected by sending test emails to different email providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.).
  • Monitor your DMARC reports: Regularly analyze DMARC reports to identify potential issues and make adjustments to your configuration as needed.

4. Communicate with Your Team and Partners:

DMARC implementation involves various stakeholders. A well-coordinated team is critical to success. It's like a symphony orchestra: each instrument must play its part in harmony to create beautiful music.

  • Keep your ESP in the loop: Ensure your ESP is aware of your DMARC implementation and provide them with any necessary information, especially if you plan to use DMARC exceptions.
  • Collaborate with marketing and IT teams: Engage with your marketing and IT teams to ensure that they understand DMARC and its implications for their activities.
  • Establish clear communication channels: Establish clear channels for communicating DMARC-related issues, updates, and decisions across your organization.

5. Monitor Your DMARC Reports for Errors:

DMARC reports are your gold mine for insights. They provide valuable data on how your emails are being authenticated and where issues might arise. Think of them like a weather forecast: by closely watching the reports, you can anticipate potential problems and take corrective actions.

  • Set up automated report delivery: Configure your DMARC record to send reports to a specific email address or tool. This allows you to receive reports regularly without having to manually check.
  • Analyze reports for error trends: Pay attention to the types of errors reported, as this can pinpoint potential issues with your SPF, DKIM, or DMARC configurations.
  • Take action on errors: Don't ignore errors. Address them promptly to ensure your emails continue to be authenticated and delivered effectively.


By following these best practices, you can significantly minimize the risk of DMARC errors and ensure a smoother implementation process. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and a well-planned DMARC strategy will lead to a more secure and efficient email ecosystem.

Need help implementing DMARC?

Our team of experts can help you implement DMARC and ensure your email authentication is secure and robust. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when a DMARC policy evaluates as 'none'?

If a DMARC policy evaluates as 'none,' it means your domain lacks a DMARC record, leaving your email authentication unprotected. This is the most relaxed approach but offers no email security.

What does it mean when a DMARC report shows 'policy=quarantine'?

A 'policy=quarantine' result in a DMARC report means that email providers will quarantine emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This provides some protection, but it might cause legitimate emails to end up in spam folders.

How does a 'policy=reject' DMARC evaluation affect emails?

A 'policy=reject' DMARC evaluation is the most stringent policy. It instructs email providers to automatically reject emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. This is great for security but requires careful configuration to avoid rejecting legitimate emails.

Why might I receive a '' error in a DMARC report?

An '' error suggests that the sender's IP address doesn't match the authorized senders listed in your SPF record. This could be due to using a third-party email provider or sending emails from a shared server.

What causes a '' error, and how can I resolve it?

A '' error indicates that the DKIM signature verification has failed. This can be caused by a misconfigured DKIM record or a compromised email server. To resolve it, check the validity of your DKIM key, the selector, and your DNS configuration.

How do DMARC exceptions work, and when might I need them?

DMARC exceptions allow specific emails to bypass the policy requirements. You might need them to exempt emails from your marketing automation platform or emails sent from your internal network.

What is the role of DMARC reports in troubleshooting errors?

DMARC reports provide valuable insights into your email authentication process. They reveal successful and failed authentication attempts, highlighting potential issues and guiding your troubleshooting efforts.

How can using a DMARC platform help with DMARC implementation?

DMARC platforms offer a comprehensive solution for managing your DMARC implementation. They simplify configuration, provide detailed reports, and streamline troubleshooting.

What is the significance of aligning your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records?

Aligning SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records ensures that emails are authenticated correctly and that your DMARC policy is enforced effectively. This alignment is crucial for a secure and efficient email infrastructure.

What are some crucial steps for preventing DMARC errors?

To prevent DMARC errors, double-check your SPF and DKIM records, understand your sending infrastructure, test configurations thoroughly, communicate effectively with your team, and monitor DMARC reports for error trends.